Implementing Truncated Backpropagation Through Time

Here is an implementation that will work for any k1 and k2 and will reduce memory usage as much as possible.
If k2 is not huge and the one_step_module is relatively big, the slowdown of doing multiple backward should be negligible.

The code is not super clean and has been tested only against current master branch (where Variable and Tensor are merged) so you might need slight modifications if you use 0.3.
Hope this helps.

class TBPTT():
    def __init__(self, one_step_module, loss_module, k1, k2, optimizer):
        self.one_step_module = one_step_module
        self.loss_module = loss_module
        self.k1 = k1
        self.k2 = k2
        self.retain_graph = k1 < k2
        # You can also remove all the optimizer code here, and the
        # train function will just accumulate all the gradients in
        # one_step_module parameters
        self.optimizer = optimizer

    def train(self, input_sequence, init_state):
        states = [(None, init_state)]
        for j, (inp, target) in enumerate(input_sequence):

            state = states[-1][1].detach()
            output, new_state = self.one_step_module(inp, state)
            states.append((state, new_state))

            while len(states) > self.k2:
                # Delete stuff that is too old
                del states[0]

            if (j+1)%self.k1 == 0:
                loss = self.loss_module(output, target)

                # backprop last module (keep graph only if they ever overlap)
                start = time.time()
                for i in range(self.k2-1):
                    # if we get all the way back to the "init_state", stop
                    if states[-i-2][0] is None:
                    curr_grad = states[-i-1][0].grad
                    states[-i-2][1].backward(curr_grad, retain_graph=self.retain_graph)
                print("bw: {}".format(time.time()-start))

seq_len = 20
layer_size = 50

idx = 0

class MyMod(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyMod, self).__init__()
        self.lin = nn.Linear(2*layer_size, 2*layer_size)

    def forward(self, inp, state):
        global idx
        full_out = self.lin([inp, state], 1))
        # out, new_state = full_out.chunk(2, dim=1)
        out = full_out.narrow(1, 0, layer_size)
        new_state = full_out.narrow(1, layer_size, layer_size)
        def get_pr(idx_val):
            def pr(*args):
                print("doing backward {}".format(idx_val))
            return pr
        print("doing fw {}".format(idx))
        idx += 1
        return out, new_state

one_step_module = MyMod()
loss_module = nn.MSELoss()
input_sequence = [(torch.rand(200, layer_size), torch.rand(200, layer_size))] * seq_len

optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(one_step_module.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

runner = TBPTT(one_step_module, loss_module, 5, 7, optimizer)

runner.train(input_sequence, torch.zeros(200, layer_size))