In-place modification error consistency

Hi !

I wrote some code that can be reduced to this :

import numpy as np
import torch

def exp_sqrt(x):
    return torch.exp(torch.sqrt(x))

def loss_func1(x):
    return torch.norm(x)

def loss_func2(x,y):
    return torch.norm(x-y)

def loss_func3(p,q):
    return torch.sum(p*q)

def loss_func4(p,q):
    return torch.sum(p+q)

def loss_func5(p,q):
    return torch.sum(p*torch.log(p/q)-p+q)

N = 16
M = 2  # No bug if M=1


A = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(M,N)).requires_grad_(True)
B = torch.from_numpy(np.zeros((M,N)))
C = torch.from_numpy(np.random.rand(M,N))
loss = torch.tensor([0.0], dtype=torch.float64)

for i in range(M):

    B[i] = exp_sqrt(A[i])
    # Choose one of those:
    loss = loss + loss_func1(B[i])        # BUG
    # loss = loss + loss_func3(B[i],C[i])   # BUG
    # loss = loss + loss_func5(B[i],C[i])   # BUG

    # loss = loss + loss_func1(B[i]+1)          # NO BUG
    # loss = loss + loss_func1(exp_sqrt(A[i]))  # NO BUG
    # loss = loss + loss_func2(B[i],C[i])       # NO BUG
    # loss = loss + loss_func4(B[i],C[i])       # NO BUG

    # Solution : avoid indexing B with new tensors that require grad.
    # b = exp_sqrt(A[i])
    # B[i] = b.clone()
    # Choose one of those:
    # loss = loss + loss_func1(b)          # NO BUG
    # loss = loss + loss_func3(b,C[i])     # NO BUG
    # loss = loss + loss_func5(b,C[i])     # NO BUG

print("Loss =",loss)
print("Computing backward")

Lines with “BUG” mean that they trigger the “in-place modification error”.
I have found a solution, which is described in comments, but I’m interested in understanding the reasons for the appearance of the error or not.
I understand that it’s this instruction B[i] = exp_sqrt(A[i]) that is problematic (as soon as we do it more than once), but why does the error appear or not, depending on the loss_funcX I use ?

Thank you.

The overall moral is that it depends on if you need the input to compute gradients or not. For example, if you use pow function like tensor.pow(0.5) it calls to a very general backprop function meanwhile if you perform same operation doing tensor.sqrt_() gradients are directly 1/2 and it does not need to store input to compute them.

I cannot explain everything case by case as I don’t really know the underlying functions called in each case but it mainly responds to that reasoning.

Okay, so in my example:
loss_func1 doesn’t work because d(torch.norm(x))/dx = -x/norm(x)
loss_func2 works because it doesn’t use directly x but x-y which is stored somewhere else than x.
loss_func3 doesn’t work, although d(torch.sum(p*q)/dp = q (which doesn’t use p, that’s weird)
loss_func4 works because d(torch.sum(p+q)/dp = ones_like(p)
loss_func5 doesn’t work because d(torch.log(p/q))/dp = 1/p

So, it makes sense for most of them, except for loss_func3, unless my calculation is wrong…

Hi, you need to get the derivative with respect to both inputs. That’s why func 3 does not work. If you just differentiate the product you get qdp and pdq, partial derivatives with respect to inputs requires both p and q

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