Inconsistent tensor size while loading data using data loader

Recently I’m trying to load sentence features with different sizes, where the first dimension indicates the number of words in the sentence.

train_loader =, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=10, pin_memory=True)

But it reports RuntimeError: inconsistent tensor size at /py/conda-bld/pytorch_1493673470840/work/torch/lib/TH/generic/THTensorCopy.c…

And my tensor sizes are like:

Any suggestions as to how should I fix it?

it’s surprising that it’s giving this error.

Maybe one of the returned tensors is not [x, 1000], but something else?

This is the function that takes the Tensors from each dataset sample and combines them:

Hi @Bohan_Zhuang!

I’ve run into similar error, but I’ve also noticed that I’m not getting it when I disable shuffling. With shuffle=True my code fails with similar error message, but setting the parameter to False returns a correct-looking batch of tensors.


Here’s the error output.

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-985e62e21c28> in <module>()
      1 dataloader = DataLoader(DroneRGBEarlier(), batch_size=4, shuffle=True)
----> 3 for i, batch in enumerate(dataloader):
      4     print(i, batch['x'].size(), batch['y'].size())
      5     break

C:\Anaconda3\envs\ml\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\ in __next__(self)
    186         if self.num_workers == 0:  # same-process loading
    187             indices = next(self.sample_iter)  # may raise StopIteration
--> 188             batch = self.collate_fn([self.dataset[i] for i in indices])
    189             if self.pin_memory:
    190                 batch = pin_memory_batch(batch)

C:\Anaconda3\envs\ml\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\ in default_collate(batch)
    114         return batch
    115     elif isinstance(batch[0], collections.Mapping):
--> 116         return {key: default_collate([d[key] for d in batch]) for key in batch[0]}
    117     elif isinstance(batch[0], collections.Sequence):
    118         transposed = zip(*batch)

C:\Anaconda3\envs\ml\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\ in <dictcomp>(.0)
    114         return batch
    115     elif isinstance(batch[0], collections.Mapping):
--> 116         return {key: default_collate([d[key] for d in batch]) for key in batch[0]}
    117     elif isinstance(batch[0], collections.Sequence):
    118         transposed = zip(*batch)

C:\Anaconda3\envs\ml\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\ in default_collate(batch)
     94             storage = batch[0].storage()._new_shared(numel)
     95             out = batch[0].new(storage)
---> 96         return torch.stack(batch, 0, out=out)
     97     elif elem_type.__module__ == 'numpy' and elem_type.__name__ != 'str_' \
     98             and elem_type.__name__ != 'string_':

C:\Anaconda3\envs\ml\lib\site-packages\torch\ in stack(sequence, dim, out)
     62     inputs = [t.unsqueeze(dim) for t in sequence]
     63     if out is None:
---> 64         return, dim)
     65     else:
     66         return, dim, out=out)

RuntimeError: inconsistent tensor sizes at d:\pytorch\pytorch\torch\lib\th\generic/THTensorMath.c:2864

Edit 2:

After traversing the source @smth posted, I felt it was maybe crucial to shed light on the dataset also. My dataset is effectively a collection of inputs and targets. A single sample is a dict of the following structure:

sample = {
    'x': tensor.DoubleTensor of size [3 x 32 x 32],
    'y': tensor.FloatTensor of size [32 x 32]

Edit 3:

Oddly enough I noticed that when shuffle=True, having the batch_size be 2 at maximum allows for the code to run without problems. With any larger batch_size the code will fail.

Hi all,

After drilling deep down to replicating the DataLoader’s tensor collation I’ve actually found out that the cause for my error was indeed in the batch’s target tensors. Some of the y tensors have the shape [32, 32] while others have [32, 33]. This wasn’t immediately clear, as the shuffle brings out these tensors up by chance. Thus I rest my case and go back fixing my code.

For me this problem is thus resolved for now.

Sorry for unnecessary call-outs!