I ran the MNIST example provided on github with different choices of argument c (max-per-sample-grad_norm) which determines the max_grad_norm parameter in privacy_engine. The other arguments are the set to their default values. However, the output DP parameter epsilon does not change with different values of max_grad_norm. The screenshots of the output are provided below.
I am very confused because I would expect that epsilon would be smaller for smaller max_grad_norm according to the theory of DP. Is there anything wrong with the code? Thanks.
As far I understand that the privacy budget (epsilon) expended so far each epochs Is depending on two arguments
delta: target delta
alphas: List of RDP orders (alphas) used to search for the optimal conversion
between RDP and (epd, delta)-DP
you can see here link
and changing the max_grad_norm should not influence the privacy budget
@zoher has provided a correct answer. Although the standard deviation of the noise added in each iteration is proportional to clipping_norm * noise_multiplier (thus dependent on clipping_norm), it is noise_multiplier that decides the final epsilon. In other words, clipping_norm only affects the mode accuracy.