Inplace Operation and Gradient Computation

Hello I have the following code:

deltac = maxc - minc
s = deltac / maxc

This section does not pass the gradient check, claiming an inplace operation on the 2nd line. I solved it by replacing it with deltac.clone() / maxc. However I am curious as to where is the inplace operation here? Thanks in advance for any help :slight_smile:

>>> c = torch.rand(5,10)
>>> c.requires_grad = True
>>> minc, _ = c.min(1)
>>> maxc, _ = c.max(1)
>>> deltac = maxc - minc
>>> s = deltac / maxc
>>> s.sum().backward()
>>> s
tensor([0.9689, 0.8587, 0.8610, 0.9500, 0.9923], grad_fn=<DivBackward0>)
>>> c.grad.max()

I can’t reproduce your problem.

Thanks for the swift reply I will post the entire function that produces the problem, this will provide some more context.

def rgb_to_hsv(image):

    r = image[..., 0, :, :]
    g = image[..., 1, :, :]
    b = image[..., 2, :, :]

    maxc = image.max(-3)[0]
    minc = image.min(-3)[0]

    v = maxc  # brightness

    deltac = maxc - minc
    s = deltac.clone() / v  # saturation

    deltac[deltac == 0] = 1  # avoid division by zero
    rc = (maxc - r) / deltac
    gc = (maxc - g) / deltac
    bc = (maxc - b) / deltac

    h = 4.0 + gc - rc
    h[g == maxc] = 2.0 + rc[g == maxc] - bc[g == maxc]
    h[r == maxc] = bc[r == maxc] - gc[r == maxc]
    h[minc == maxc] = 0.0

    h = (h / 6.0) % 1.0

    return torch.stack([h, s, v], dim=-3)

The code for checking the gradients:

from torch.autograd import gradcheck
 def test_gradcheck(self):

        data = torch.tensor([[[[21., 22.],
                              [22., 22.]],

                             [[13., 14.],
                              [14., 14.]],

                             [[8., 8.],
                              [8., 8.]]]])  # 3x2x2

        data = utils.tensor_to_gradcheck_var(data)  # to var

        assert gradcheck(image.RgbToHsV(), (data,),

This is an in-place operation. Try to replace it with:

deltac = torch.where(deltac == 0, 1, deltac)

Thank you: I had to change your line to

deltac = torch.where(deltac == 0, torch.ones_like(deltac), deltac)

But it works now. Is there a cleaner way to do this, similar to np.where(arr==0, 1, a)?