Install from source - problems

Hello everyone, I am working on a laptop that runs Windows 11. I am trying to install pytorch from source, but when I run “python install” or “python develop” it will install for a while but always fail and give me these errors:

“C:\Users\stefa\Desktop\pytorch\c10/test/util/complex_test_common.h(431): fatal error C1001: Internal compiler error.
(compiler file ‘D:\a_work\1\s\src\vctools\Compiler\CxxFE\sl\p1\c\p1_init.c’, line 3668)”


“[18/1846] Building CXX object c10\cuda\CMakeFiles\c10_cuda.dir\CUDACachingAllocator.cpp.obj
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.”

Does anyone know what to do to fix this? I already tried a few fixes, like the fix from mrshenli in ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. · Issue #32694 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub, but still keep getting these errors.