Is teacher forcing default for nn.lstm

When training a language model, if an entire sequence is feed into lstm layer, will teacher forcing (the ground truth label at current time step is used as input for the next time step) be implemented implicitly? I tried to search for the answer in pytorch docs, but couldn’t find it. Only saw one guy posted on stack overflow saying that

If this is true, to make predictions without teacher forcing, it seems we have to iterate through the sequence one by one and use the output at current time step to be the input at next time step. But isn’t this very inefficient?

Maybe I misunderstand your problem. Teacher Forcing is usually applied to the decoder in case of Sequence-to-Sequence models, where you generate, say, a sentence. For example, the prediction of the 4th word depends on the prediction of the 3rd word (no teacher forcing) or the ground truth of the 3rd word (teacher forcing).

A language model is usually not a Sequence-to-Sequence model but more like a Sequence-to-NextWord model, basically a simply classifier. So you don’t have a decoder where Teacher Forcing is applicable. I don’t see any sense in applying Teacher Forcing to the encoder, i.e., the RNN for the input sequence.

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Thanks a lot for the reply! Actually it’s an image captioning problem and I am talking about decoder. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

Ah, OK…got it. Yes, in this case you use the LSTM as decoder.

Anyway, generating the words step by step is the way for any X-to-sequence model. You can, of course, during training time give the whole sequence to the LSTM in case of Teacher Forcing. But training the whole network using only Teacher Forcing gives you, I think, poor results. Teacher Forcing is only applied with a certain probability (e.g., 50%) since it has been shown to make the training more stable and faster.

During inference time you have generate your output sequence anyway step by step in a loop. I don’t that the loop is the bottleneck. Firstly, the heavy lifting is still done by the LSTM, and given a whole sequence to the LSTM just wraps the loop, but it’s still there.

All RNN-based decoders I have seen so far have the loop in their forward() method to process the words.


Found an implementation in this pytorch tutorial demonstrating it.


In the case where variable-length data is batched using a PackedSequence object, how does one control whether to use teacher forcing? It seems like teacher forcing is performed by default across all timesteps and sequences in such case. Does this also mean that sequences should only be processed one-by-one in order to control teacher forcing and there is no batching + teacher forcing control functionality for RNNs? I would really appreciate any insights you may have regarding this.

It depends how the Teacher Forcing is implement. Yes, if you check the Pytorch Seq2Seq tutorial, Teacher Forcing is implement on a batch-by-batch basis (well, the batch is is just 1 here).

In principle, nobody is stopping you from implementing Teacher Forcing in a step-by-step basis. You just need to move the if use_teacher_forcing: condition into the inner loop for the time steps. I once tried it, and it works just fine. However, I have no idea about any theoretical or practical underpinnings which approach might be the better or worse one and for what reasons, sorry!

When it comes to using RNNs and batches with batch sizes greater than 1, things become a bit more tricky, particularly for Seq2Seq models where the target is also a sequence and the decoder loops over each time step. My common approach is to create batches where each batch contains only samples with same combination of input and target length. This means that in the decoder, the loop ends for all targets at the same time step and everything is just dandy :).

You can check out this older post to see if it helps. I actually just made an update to include my most recent implementation of a Sampler to create batch with all samples having equal lengths.

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