Hi, I am trying to implement the optimization procedure in “Loss Surfaces, Mode Connectivity and Fast Ensembling of DNNs” paper by Garipov et al. and I am struggling with getting the optimization to work. There is lot’s of model parameter assignment and I was hoping someone could help me with it.
The main idea is the following (in somewhat pseudocode) - suppose I have two trained models, model1
and model2
, and they have parameters w_1 = model1.parameters
and w_2 = model2.parameters
. I can piecewise linearly interpolate these models by the following function, with respect to a middle point $p$ that is the same dimension as the parameters. This interpolation of the parameters goes as, for $t \in [0,1]$
if $t \le 1/2$ then $w_{new} = (1-2t) * w_1 + 2t * p$
if $t > 1/2$ then $w_{new} = (1-2t) * p + 2t * w_2$
this is just interpolation. Given $w_1, w_2$ fixed I want to optimize for p, such that the loss along this interpolation is minimized. I hope this is clear.
My code is as follows:
Piecewise Interpolate
This takes two torch.nn.Parameter as input, and returns a tensor that is the interpolated value at some t. I don’t think this is where the computation gets detached.
def piecewise_interpolate(params1, params2, p, alpha):
if alpha <= 0.5:
output = (1 - 2 * alpha) * params1 + (2 * alpha) * p
output = (1 - 2 * (alpha - 0.5)) * p + (2 * (alpha - 0.5)) * params2
return output
Interpolation Model
I believe a mistake might be here, assigning the parameters in the __init__
or forward
. I have tried so many different ways but it did not work.
In __init__
, I initialize a model, that for each layer, has the average of both model’s parameters as the initial weight. Here, the average is the trainable parameters, and I do not want any of the weights of model1 or model2 to be trained.
In forward
, for a given “middle point” p, and $t$ that indicates where in the interpolation we will evaluate the model, I compute the weight at $t$ and put the weights into a new “interpolated_model”, for which we evaluate the forward function. Here I want to assign the parameters in such a way that, once we compute the loss with the interpolated model and call the optimizer, the computation graph can find the parameter p and update that, and not actually update the parameters of the interpolated model.
class InterpolationModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, device, model1, model2):
super(InterpolationModel, self).__init__()
self.new_model = SimpleMLP().to(device)
self.model1 = model1
self.model2 = model2
self.model1_state_dict = model1.state_dict()
self.model2_state_dict = model2.state_dict()
for layer_name in list(self.new_model.state_dict()):
model1_layer_param = dict(self.model1.named_parameters())[layer_name]
model2_layer_param = dict(self.model2.named_parameters())[layer_name]
new_layer_param = torch.nn.Parameter( (model1_layer_param + model2_layer_param) / 2 )
layer_name_found = False
for name, param in self.new_model.named_parameters():
if name == layer_name:
weights = new_layer_param
layer_name_found = True
if not layer_name_found:
raise ValueError(f'Could not find any parameters named {layer_name} - fix the code!')
def forward(self, t, x):
no_training_model = SimpleMLP().to(device)
for layer_name in list(no_training_model.state_dict()):
layer_name_found = False
param1 = dict(self.model1.named_parameters())[layer_name]
param2 = dict(self.model2.named_parameters())[layer_name]
weights = dict(self.new_model.named_parameters())[layer_name]
new_param = piecewise_interpolate(param1, param2, weights, t)
interpolated_model_layer_parameter = dict(no_training_model.named_parameters())[layer_name]
interpolated_model_layer_parameter.data = new_param
output = no_training_model(x)
return output
Training Procedure
Below is how I train the model. I just pick a random t (as done in the paper), evaluate the loss on that t and update the parameters accordingly. What I find, unfortunately is that the param.grad gives None in that for loop I call. All of those parameters are in Leaf indeed, so no problem with that.
# Training function
# We input the test_loader of the ORIGINAL models. Because we want to find the minimum loss path in the TEST loss
def train_interpolation_model(model, test_loader, criterion, optimizer, epochs=1):
counter = 0
for epoch in range(epochs):
# This gives an approximate average loss, to see model trains. It is printed at the end of every epoch.
epoch_losses = []
for data, target in test_loader:
data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
t = torch.rand(1).to(device)
output = model(t, data)
loss = criterion(output, target)
# For debugging purposes - after loss.backward() the param should not have "None" loss.
# print(loss.grad_fn)
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
if param.requires_grad:
# print(f'Layer Name: {name}')
# print(f'Parameter Grad: {param.grad}')
# print(f'Parameter Is Leaf (must be True - grad is accumulated on leafs): {param.is_leaf}')
# print("============")
# if counter % 100 == 0:
# print(f'Loss at step {counter}: {loss}')
# counter += 1
print(f'Epoch {epoch + 1} / {epochs} done! Epoch Average Loss: {sum(epoch_losses) / len(epoch_losses)}')
interpolation_model = InterpolationModel(device, model1, model2).to(device)
data_loader = test_loader
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(interpolation_model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
epochs = 10
Does the parameters get detached at some point? At what point? I tried a bunch of different methods to assign yet no luck, I’ve been spending past 3-4 days on this and couldn’t manage to do it so far. I would appreciate any help.