Your model seems to overfit the majority class and the accuracy might be misleading due to the Accuracy Paradox so you might want to check the metric to plot.
To counter overfitting in an imbalanced class setup you could use a weighted loss or could use a WeightedRandomSampler to oversample the minority classes.
The metrics would indicate a zero value e.g. if your model never predicts these classes.
Based on the results your model is only predicting the two classes with the most support.
so you mean i should balance the whole dataset to equal samples and check? or is there any other possibility.
I previously had F ‘0’ class with 161 samples i augmented so now 322 but still its imbalance but previously I have seen my model without augmentation predicted the last class as well and skips ist 4 and 5th. but after augmnetation which is still imblance my model skips all except 2 and 3 class.
Moreover if i plot the classification report it shows different results like here.
The without augmentation