Loading an unsigned 8bit integer

Hello! Is it possible to load an 8 bit unsigned integer as a 8 bit float between 0~1(?)(if it exists).

I have a data that is inherently an 8bit unsigned integer (0~255), but I want to normalize it to 0~1 before performing the forward pass. I guess there would be two ways to do this :

  1. since torch tensor seems to support 8 bit unsigned integers, load the 8 bit unsigned integer to the gpu then normalize it inside of the GPU
  2. normalize the 8bit integer while inside the CPU tensor (convert it to float) then load that to the GPU

I have a question about the second option. It seems that there isn’t anything like “8 bit integer” or equivalent in float. Is there? Is there a way to convert the 8 bit integer into an 8 bit float tensor (so that the precision is preserved?)

I am asking because I would prefer to do 2. instead of 1. because that would make the code cleaner!

(sorry if my questions are a bit basic :slight_smile: )

The second approach is the common one and an uint8 image tensor will be normalized to a float32 tensor in the range [0, 1] using torchvision.transforms.ToTensor() as seen in this example:

# load uint8 image
img = PIL.Image.open(PATH)
# or generate random image
img = transforms.ToPILImage()(torch.randn(3, 224, 224))
print(np.array(img).min(), np.array(img).max())
# 0 255

out = transforms.ToTensor()(img)
print(out.min(), out.max())
# tensor(0.) tensor(1.)

8bit integers, i.e. images using the uint8 data type, can be mapped to float32 without a loss in precision, since float32 can represent all integers up to 2**24 where a rounding to multiple of 2s starts:

# tensor(16777216.)
# tensor(16777216.)
# tensor(16777218.)

in case you want to keep the original integer values. If not, you can also verify that a “reverse” mapping is possible:

y = out * 255
(y == torch.from_numpy(np.array(img)).permute(2, 0, 1)).all()
# tensor(true)
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@ptrblck Thank you for your quick reply!

I guess I will try the second option! However, I wanted to ask : wouldn’t changing an 8 bit integer to 32 bit float mean that during data loading 4 times the data has to be loaded to the GPU?

Yes, but also all model parameters are stored in float32 and the gradient calculation needs floating point values. You could use mixed-precision training as described here which would allow you to use float16 or bfloat16 data types, where it’s considered to be safe.
Lower numerical formats are currently being developed and e.g. TransformerEngine allows you to use some Transformer-specific modules in FP8 format on the latest NVIDIA Hopper GPU architecture.

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