Looking for faster implementation: How to do 2-D indexing on 2-D tensor, each indexing selects a row

In numpy, we can easily do this 2-D indexing on a 2-D tensor:

data = np.array([[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],[10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]]).T
print 'data'
print data

index = np.array([[0,1],[3,4],[7,9]])
print 'index'
print index

print 'selected data'
print data[index]

print 'summed data'
print data[index].sum(axis=1)

The logic is this:
data is a 2-D tensor. And for each index (each row from index) I want to slice multiple rows from data, then sum up for each group of indexed rows as final matrix
Below is the output:

[[ 0 10]
 [ 1 11]
 [ 2 12]
 [ 3 13]
 [ 4 14]
 [ 5 15]
 [ 6 16]
 [ 7 17]
 [ 8 18]
 [ 9 19]]

[[0 1]
 [3 4]
 [7 9]]

selected data
[[[ 0 10]
  [ 1 11]]

 [[ 3 13]
  [ 4 14]]

 [[ 7 17]
  [ 9 19]]]

summed data
[[ 1 21]
 [ 7 27]
 [16 36]]

Can anyone help implement similar ideas in pytorch in a faster way?
Now what I did is simply use a loop plus index_select, which is too slow.

Appreciate any helpful advice.

For selecting your data:

x = Variable(torch.Tensor([[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],[10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]])).t()
i = Variable(torch.LongTensor([[0,1],[3,4],[7,9]]))
x[i]  # should give you what you want

For summing your data:


Hi @richard, thanks for the reply.

But I don’t think this will work. PyTorch doesn’t support such operation with i being over 1-D.

I tried this, and an exception raised:

RuntimeError: invalid argument 3: Index is supposed to be a vector at /pytorch/torch/lib/TH/generic/THTensorMath.c:248

We can do [ x[index] for index in i], then stack or concatenate together, and this is exactly what I’m doing now.

Ah I see. I’m running the master branch of PyTorch; I’m not sure if this functionality is in 0.3 or not. If it’s not, you could try building from source for the functionality (instructions here)