Loss and Backpropagation not working as expected

I am practicing binary classification and my model seems to be stuck with indifference… The parameters looks like they are not being updated… Below is my code…
It looks like a lot…

# define train function
import time

def train( epochs, model, loaders_list, optimiser, loss_fn, use_cuda, save_path, verbose=True ):
  # initialize trackers
  valid_loss_min = np.Inf
  train_losses = { 'total':[], 'batch':[] }
  valid_losses = { 'total':[], 'batch':[] }
  accuracy = { 'train':[], 'valid':[] }

  print( 'Training Started......' )
  for epoch in range( 1, epochs+1 ):
    # intiating time trackers
    start_time = time.time()

    # initialize variables to monitor training and validation losses
    train_loss = valid_loss = correct = total = total_valid = 0.0
    running_loss = running_loss_valid = correct_valid = 0.0

    ################# Training Model ###################

    #for batch_idx, ( data, label ) in enumerate( data_loaders['train'] ):
    batch_idx = 0
    for data, label in data_loaders['train']:

      # move to GPU if available
      if use_cuda:
        data, label = data.cuda(), label.cuda()

      # reshaping labels to match the shape of the model's output, 
      # and converting to Float
      label = label.reshape( (label.shape[0], 1) )
      label = label.float()

      # clear accumulated gradients
      # forward pass
      output = model( data )
      # calculate batch loss
      loss = loss_fn( output, label )
      # backward pass
      # parameter update

      ## track losses and accuracy
      # compute avg train loss
      train_loss = loss.item()
      # convert output probabilities to predicted class
      pred = output.data.max( 1, keepdim=True )[1]
      # compare prediction to true label
      correct += np.sum( np.squeeze(pred.eq(label.data.view_as(pred))).cpu().numpy() )
      total += data.size( 0 )

      #record batch losses
      running_loss += loss.item()
      if batch_idx % 10 == 0:
        avg_loss = running_loss/10
        train_losses['batch'].append( avg_loss )
        running_loss = 0.0

      #update batch_idx
      batch_idx += 1

    ################ Validating Model ##################
    #for batch_idx, ( data, label ) in enumerate( data_loaders['valid'] ):
    batch_idx = 0
    for data, label in data_loaders['valid']:

      # move data to cuda if available
      if use_cuda:
        data, label = data.cuda(), label.cuda()

      # reshaping labels to match the shape of the model's output, 
      # and converting to Float
      label = label.reshape( (label.shape[0], 1) )
      label = label.float()

      # forward pass
      output = model( data )
      # compute loss
      loss = loss_fn( output, label )
      ## track losses
      # obtain avg validation loss over a batch
      valid_loss = loss.item()
      # convert output into predicted class
      pred = output.data.max( 1, keepdim=True )[1]
      # compare predictions to true label
      correct_valid += np.sum( np.squeeze(pred.eq(label.data.view_as(pred))).cpu().numpy() )
      total_valid += data.size( 0 )

      # record batch loss statistics
      running_loss_valid = loss.item()
      if batch_idx % 2 == 0:
        avg_loss = running_loss_valid/2
        valid_losses['batch'].append( avg_loss )
        running_loss_valid = 0.0

      # update batch_idx
      batch_idx += 1

    #track ending time
    end_time = time.time()
    total_time = end_time - start_time

    #Track total losses
    train_acc = 100. * correct/total
    valid_acc = 100. * correct_valid/total_valid
    train_losses['total'].append( train_loss )
    valid_losses['total'].append( valid_loss )
    accuracy['train'].append( train_acc )
    accuracy['valid'].append( valid_acc )

    # verbose
    if verbose:
      print( f"==================== Epoch: {epoch}/{epochs} =========================" )
      print( "Train loss: {:.6f} \t\tValid loss: {:.6f}".format( train_loss, 
                                                                valid_loss ) )
      print( "Train Acc: {:.6f} \t\tValid Acc: {:.6f}".format( train_acc,
                                                               valid_acc ) )
      print(f"======>ETA: {total_time:.6f}seconds")
    # Track best performining model
    if valid_loss <= valid_loss_min:
      if verbose:
        print( f"Validation loss decreased ({valid_loss_min:.6f} ==> {valid_loss:.6f}) Saving model....")
      torch.save( model, save_path )
      valid_loss_min = valid_loss

  # returned trained model
  print( 'Training Complete!' )
  return model, [train_losses, valid_losses, accuracy]type or paste code here

This is my output

Training Started......
==================== Epoch: 1/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.724163 		Valid loss: 0.872123
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 132.691783seconds
Validation loss decreased (inf ==> 0.872123) Saving model....
==================== Epoch: 2/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.796593 		Valid loss: 0.920781
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 134.288136seconds
==================== Epoch: 3/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.681651 		Valid loss: 0.836445
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 133.916785seconds
Validation loss decreased (0.872123 ==> 0.836445) Saving model....
==================== Epoch: 4/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.699744 		Valid loss: 0.705061
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 134.853135seconds
Validation loss decreased (0.836445 ==> 0.705061) Saving model....
==================== Epoch: 5/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.666447 		Valid loss: 0.681207
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 134.621456seconds
Validation loss decreased (0.705061 ==> 0.681207) Saving model....
==================== Epoch: 6/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.704485 		Valid loss: 0.887497
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 137.774845seconds
==================== Epoch: 7/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.689475 		Valid loss: 0.479000
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 137.363145seconds
Validation loss decreased (0.681207 ==> 0.479000) Saving model....
==================== Epoch: 8/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.824759 		Valid loss: 0.862540
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 139.869251seconds
==================== Epoch: 9/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.692937 		Valid loss: 0.955699
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 135.745124seconds
==================== Epoch: 10/10 =========================
Train loss: 0.644844 		Valid loss: 0.753045
Train Acc: 49.945000 		Valid Acc: 50.220000
======>ETA: 134.871356seconds
Training Complete!type or paste code here

I do not know what exactly, I might be doing wrong…
I am using a resnet101 model

I cannot find any obvious errors in your code, so you might want to scale down the use case a bit and try to overfit a small dataset, e.g. just 10 samples, by playing around with the hyperparameters, such as the learning rate.
Once this is done, you could try to scale up the use case again.