Loss becomes nan after few iterations

# layers
self.hidden_layer_1 = torch.nn.Linear(self.input_neurons,self.hidden_neurons_1)
self.hidden_layer_2 = torch.nn.Linear(self.hidden_neurons_1,self.hidden_neurons_2)
self.output = torch.nn.Linear(self.hidden_neurons_2, self.output_neurons)
def forward(self, input):
        print(input.isnan().any()) # False
        H1 = self.hidden_layer_1(input)
        H1 = self.ReLU(H1)
        H2 = self.hidden_layer_2(H1)
        H2 = self.ReLU(H2)
        final_inputs = self.output(H2)
        # not applying activation on final_inputs because CrossEntropy does that
        return final_inputs

loss = self.CrossEntropyLoss(output, target)

I am using SGD optomizer with LR = 1e-2. I don’t understand why loss becomes nan after 4-5 iterations of the epoch. Previously, when I was using just one hidden layer the loss was always finite.

When I use sigmoid instead of relu, loss stays finite.

Basically your model is diverging. Some loss is NaN and it “infects” the weights once it’s backpropagated.

I would bet your loss is increasing rather than decreasing.
If that’s the case try to reduce ur LR

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The loss is actually decreasing. So what could be the reason I’m getting NaN after few iterations when using ReLU instead of sigmoid for the hidden layers?

@jpj There is an awesome PyTorch feature that lets you know where the NaN is coming from!

Documentation: Anomaly Detection

Hi, I did do that. I was getting “LogSoftMaxBackward returned nan in 0th output”. But I don’t understand the reason. From my code, you can see that the input had no nan values.

Can you print a few of the final_inputs and post here?


tensor([[ 4.5512e+03,  2.2965e+03,  3.7338e+03, -1.1410e+03],
        [-1.2685e+04,  2.1673e+05,  2.7743e+05,  2.2019e+05],
        [ 1.3482e+03,  4.0191e+04,  1.5236e+04,  8.1835e+03],
        [ 4.0465e+04,  2.3288e+04,  2.5682e+04,  6.2736e+03],
        [ 7.3675e+05, -9.9548e+05, -1.4421e+06,  1.7742e+04],
        [ 1.3802e+03,  9.2324e+02,  9.4439e+02,  3.3211e+01]],
       grad_fn=<AddmmBackward>) tensor(False)
Epoch 0, Iteration: 0.000, Loss:72828.328
tensor([[ 4.8688e+17, -5.5222e+16,  2.8847e+17, -7.2008e+17],
        [ 4.8875e+17, -5.5577e+16,  2.8895e+17, -7.2208e+17],
        [ 2.8952e+19, -3.2968e+18,  1.7122e+19, -4.2774e+19],
        [ 2.7599e+15, -3.1438e+14,  1.6323e+15, -4.0776e+15],
        [ 6.9775e+18, -7.9428e+17,  4.1225e+18, -1.0305e+19],
        [ 2.7847e+19, -3.1713e+18,  1.6469e+19, -4.1142e+19]],
       grad_fn=<AddmmBackward>) tensor(False)
Epoch 0, Iteration: 1.000, Loss:479207024681287680.000
tensor([[-7.4644e+29,  9.6666e+25,  7.4367e+29,  2.6739e+27],
        [-2.0749e+33,  2.6870e+29,  2.0672e+33,  7.4327e+30],
        [-1.8951e+30,  2.4542e+26,  1.8880e+30,  6.7886e+27],
        [-1.2698e+30,  1.6444e+26,  1.2650e+30,  4.5486e+27],
        [-1.7603e+33,  2.2796e+29,  1.7537e+33,  6.3057e+30],
        [-2.1945e+30,  2.8420e+26,  2.1864e+30,  7.8614e+27]],
       grad_fn=<AddmmBackward>) tensor(False)
Epoch 0, Iteration: 2.000, Loss:301857268183970173654388944404480.000
tensor([[ 1.2171e+14,  2.3199e+10, -1.2212e+14,  3.9526e+11],
        [ 1.2171e+14,  2.3199e+10, -1.2212e+14,  3.9526e+11],
        [ 1.2171e+14,  2.3199e+10, -1.2212e+14,  3.9526e+11],
        [ 1.2171e+14,  2.3199e+10, -1.2212e+14,  3.9526e+11],
        [ 1.2171e+14,  2.3199e+10, -1.2212e+14,  3.9526e+11],
        [ 1.2171e+14,  2.3199e+10, -1.2212e+14,  3.9526e+11]],
       grad_fn=<AddmmBackward>) tensor(False)
Epoch 0, Iteration: 3.000, Loss:67027314147328.000
tensor([[-8.5834e+19,  1.3941e+16,  8.5509e+19,  3.1127e+17],
        [-8.5834e+19,  1.3941e+16,  8.5509e+19,  3.1127e+17],
        [-8.5834e+19,  1.3941e+16,  8.5509e+19,  3.1127e+17],
        [-8.5834e+19,  1.3941e+16,  8.5509e+19,  3.1127e+17],
        [-8.5834e+19,  1.3941e+16,  8.5509e+19,  3.1127e+17],
        [-8.5834e+19,  1.3941e+16,  8.5509e+19,  3.1127e+17]],
       grad_fn=<AddmmBackward>) tensor(False)

After this point, I get this -RuntimeError: Function ‘LogSoftmaxBackward’ returned nan values in its 0th output.

Can you also print final_inputs.shape?

@jpj Your inputs doesn’t have to be nan for you to get nan errors. LogSoftMax has a log term, denominator, and exponential term.

For example, the exponential term overflows for very large input and underflows for very negative inputs. Both will show nan error.

Is that the case here @ptrblck ?

It could be the case.
However, in this particular use case the model is clearly diverging, as the loss explodes, so I would try to stabilize it.

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Looks like you have an exploding gradients problem. If you are using the LogSoftMax function, you may want to apply clipping via softmaxoutput.clamp(min=1e-8) before any further processing.

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I am using CrossEntropyLoss which applies LogSoftMax itself. Should I still clip it before with softmaxoutput.clamp(min=1e-8)?

How can I stabilize it?

You could try training with smaller learning rates e.g. 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, … (as @JuanFMontesinos had already mentioned)

You could try to put it into your model before it returns the outputs.

return outputs

Let me know if that works.

As mentioned smaller learning rates might help, and/or you could try to decrease the hyperparameter for regularization strength, e.g. if you use weight decay.