Same unsolved issue:
Offical Colab [Same issue and not working]: Google Colab
Same Github Issue[Unsolved] : ASR Inference tutorial not working · Issue #2336 · pytorch/audio · GitHub
Same unsolved issue:
Offical Colab [Same issue and not working]: Google Colab
Same Github Issue[Unsolved] : ASR Inference tutorial not working · Issue #2336 · pytorch/audio · GitHub
You might be missing the import as it works for me:
>>> import torchaudio.prototype
>>> torchaudio.prototype
<module 'torchaudio.prototype' from '/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torchaudio/prototype/'>
The import fails with a missing
, so I guess you might have updated torchaudio
for the wrong CUDA runtime in Colab.
Check the CUDA runtime version via torch.version.cuda
and update to the binaries using the same CUDA runtime.
That OSError corresponding to the missing shared object file seems to imply a mismatch in torch and torchaudio versions.
The following works for me in the Colab notebook:
!pip3 uninstall -y torch torchvision torchaudio
!pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
from torchaudio.prototype.ctc_decoder import download_pretrained_files
Start from a fresh/restarted runtime, and run it at the very top.
Thank you. It works.