Hello all,
I am trying to run a LSTM in DataParallel, and there have been several threads[1,2] which have mentioned that batch_first=True has to be enforced since Pytorch splits the data in first dimension.
- The problem is that the hidden state dimensions are still ( num_layers * num_directions x batch_size x hidden_size)
- This means it has to be manually permuted into ( batch_size x num_layers * num_directions x hidden_size) at initialization so that its split among workers along the batch dimension, and reshaped back to ( num_layers * num_directions x batch_size x hidden_size) as input to forward(), to keep the hidden state dimensions consistent with LSTM documentation.
This has been discussed in quite a few threads, and it does not seem to have any clear, clean resolution as of now
[1] Multi layer RNN with DataParallel
[2] DataParallel LSTM/GRU wrong hidden batch size (8 GPUs)
Going by the strategies in these threads, I have implemented the code as below - BUT Pytorch does not split the hidden state at all, regardless of the dimensions.
class LSTM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self,input_size,hiddensize,batch,output_size,nlayers):
super(LSTM, self).__init__()
self.input_size= input_size
self.hiddensize= hiddensize
self.batch= batch
self.output_size= output_size
self.nlayers= nlayers
#Define LSTM layers
self.lstm= nn.LSTM(self.input_size, self.hiddensize, self.nlayers, batch_first=True)
#Define Output layer
self.linear= nn.Linear(self.hiddensize,self.output_size)
def init_hidden(self):
h0= torch.randn(self.batch, self.nlayers, self.hiddensize).cuda() #batch_first= True
c0= torch.randn(self.batch, self.nlayers, self.hiddensize).cuda()
return (h0,c0)
def forward(self,input_tensor):
hiddenvecs= self.init_hidden()
hiddenvecs = tuple([h.permute(1,0,2).contiguous() for h in hiddenvecs])
lstm_out, hiddenvecs = self.lstm(input_tensor, hiddenvecs)
#output layer
pred= self.linear(lstm_out)
return pred
#LSTM params
hiddensize= 40
epochs= 1000000
k=10 #sequence length
# load batches and ensure nbatches is divisible by batch size
x = data[:,:-1,:]
y = data[:,1:,:]
nbatch_idx = int(x.size(1)/batch)*batch
x = x[:,:nbatch_idx,:]
y = y[:,:nbatch_idx,:]
x = torch.reshape(x, (x.size(1),k,input_size)) #batch first=True
y = torch.reshape(y, (y.size(1),k,input_size))
# Create dataloader pipeline
train_dataset = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(x,y)
trainloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch, shuffle=False, num_workers=0)
model= LSTM(input_size,hiddensize,batch,output_size,nlayers)
if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
print('Using', torch.cuda.device_count(), 'GPUs')
model = nn.DataParallel(model)
print('Start training...')
PATH = 'checkpoints'
for ep in range(epochs):
print('Epoch', ep)
for local_x, local_y in tqdm(trainloader, total=len(trainloader)):
local_x, local_y = local_x.cuda(), local_y.cuda()
output = model(local_x.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)).cuda()
loss = criterion(output, local_y.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor))
# #backward
size of input_tensor and target i.e. x and y, are (batch x sequence_length X input_size). I have init the hidden state with batch first, and permuted them to batch second, for LSTM forward. Here is the error message I get
RuntimeError: Expected hidden[0] size (3, 2, 40), got (3, 8, 40)
So the hidden state of dimension (8,3,40) should have been split into (2,3,40) - I am using 4 GPUs (so 2 x 4 = 8), followed by my permute operation should have given (3,2,40) - which is exactly what the network needs. But the error above says the split never happened.
Regardless of how I reshape the hidden state (batch first or second) , the batch dimension does not get split among the workers. I would really appreciate any help with whats going on. Thank you!