I have a cuda9-docker with tensorflow and pytorch installed, I am doing cross validation on an image dataset. Currently I am using a for loop to do the cross validation. Something like
for data_train, data_test in sklearn.kfold(5, all_data):
But the for loop takes too long, will the following code work to parallelize the for loop? Maybe there is already a solution. But this is not Data Parallelization.
from multiprocessing import Pool
def f(trainset, testset):
train_result = train(trainset)
test_result = test(testset)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with Pool(5) as p:
print(p.map(f, sklearn.cvfold(5, all_data)))
I am not sure if the multiprocessing will only paralize the cpu or both cpu and gpu? This might be easiler than doing parallel in side a model i guess like Parallelize simple for-loop for single GPU
since in my case, there is no need to communicate across each process?