Manually free up memory used in the forward pass if certain condition is met

I have a training scheme with multiple losses which looks something like this:

x1 = generator(img1)
x2 = generator(img2)

L1 = nn.NLLLoss2d()(nn.LogSoftmax()(x1),target1)
if some_cond:
   L2 = nn.NLLLoss2d()(nn.LogSoftmax()(x2),target2)
   L_total = L1 + L2
    L_total = L1


If the some_cond is False, then my GPU runs out of memory in the next iteration of the training. I believe that this is because the intermediate variables from the second forward pass through the generator are not deallocated.

Can this be the reason for out-of-memory error? if yes, is there a way to manually deallocate all the variables from the second forward pass through the generator?

What does your full script look like?

for epoch in range(args.start_epoch,args.max_epoch+1):
        for batch_id, (img,mask,ohmask) in enumerate(trainloader):
            if args.nogpu:
                img,mask,ohmask = Variable(img),Variable(mask),Variable(ohmask)
                img,mask,ohmask = Variable(img.cuda()),Variable(mask.cuda()),Variable(ohmask.cuda())

            i = len(trainloader)*(epoch-1) + batch_id
            # Semi-Supervised Training #
            if args.mode == 'semi':

                ## TODO: Extend random interleaving for split of any size
                mid  = args.batch_size // 2
                img_1,mask_1,ohmask_1 = img[0:mid,...],mask[0:mid,...],ohmask[0:mid,...]
                img_2,mask_2,ohmask_2 = img[mid:,...],mask[mid:,...],ohmask[mid:,...]

                # Random Interleaving
                if random.random() <0.5:
                    img_l,mask_l,ohmask_l = img_1,mask_1,ohmask_1
                    img_ul,mask_ul,ohmask_ul = img_2,mask_2,ohmask_2
                    img_ul,mask_ul,ohmask_ul = img_1,mask_1,ohmask_1
                    img_l,mask_l,ohmask_l = img_2,mask_2,ohmask_2

                #  Labelled data for Discriminator Training #
                out_img_map = generator(Variable(,volatile=True))
                out_img_map = nn.Softmax2d()(out_img_map)

                N = out_img_map.size()[0]
                H = out_img_map.size()[2]
                W = out_img_map.size()[3]

                # Generate the Real and Fake Labels
                target_fake = Variable(torch.zeros((N,H,W)).long())
                target_real = Variable(torch.ones((N,H,W)).long())
                if not args.nogpu:
                    target_fake = target_fake.cuda()
                    target_real = target_real.cuda()

                # Train on Real
                conf_map_real = nn.LogSoftmax()(discriminator(ohmask_l.float()))


                # Perform Label smoothing
                if args.d_label_smooth != 0:
                    LD_real = (1 - args.d_label_smooth)*nn.NLLLoss2d()(conf_map_real,target_real)
                    LD_real += args.d_label_smooth * nn.NLLLoss2d()(conf_map_real,target_fake)
                    LD_real = nn.NLLLoss2d()(conf_map_real,target_real)


                # Train on Fake
                conf_map_fake = nn.LogSoftmax()(discriminator(Variable(
                LD_fake = nn.NLLLoss2d()(conf_map_fake,target_fake)

                # Update Discriminator weights
                poly_lr_scheduler(optimizer_D, args.d_lr, i)


                #  labelled data Generator Training       #
                out_img_map = generator(img_l)
                out_img_map_smax = nn.Softmax2d()(out_img_map)
                out_img_map_lsmax = nn.LogSoftmax()(out_img_map)

                conf_map_fake = nn.LogSoftmax()(discriminator(out_img_map_smax))

                LG_ce = nn.NLLLoss2d()(out_img_map_lsmax,mask_l)
                LG_adv = nn.NLLLoss2d()(conf_map_fake,target_real)

                # Use unlabelled data to get L_semi    #

                out_img_map = generator(img_ul)
                soft_pred = nn.Softmax2d()(out_img_map)
                hard_pred = torch.max(soft_pred,1)[1].squeeze(1)
                conf_map = nn.Softmax2d()(discriminator(Variable(,volatile=True)))

                idx = np.zeros(,dtype=np.uint8)
                idx = idx.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)

                conf_mapn = conf_map[:,1,...].data.cpu().numpy()
                hard_predn =
                idx[conf_mapn > args.t_semi] = np.identity(21, dtype=idx.dtype)[hard_predn[ conf_mapn > args.t_semi]]

                out_img_map_lsmax = nn.LogSoftmax()(out_img_map)
                LG_semi_arr = out_img_map_lsmax.masked_select(Variable(torch.from_numpy(idx).byte().cuda()))
                LG_semi = -1*LG_semi_arr.mean() if len( != 0 else Variable(torch.zeros(1).cuda())
                LG_seg = LG_ce + args.lam_adv *LG_adv + args.lam_semi*LG_semi

                poly_lr_scheduler(optimizer_G, args.g_lr, i)

                print("[{}][{}] LD: {:.4f} LD_fake: {:.4f} LD_real: {:.4f} LG: {:.4f} LG_ce: {:.4f} LG_adv: {:.4f} LG_semi: {:.4f}"\
                        .format(epoch,i,(LD_real + LD_fake).data[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0],[0]))

I believe the problem is here,

LG_semi = -1*LG_semi_arr.mean() if len( != 0 else Variable(torch.zeros(1).cuda())

Whenever len( == 0, the forward pass out_img_map = generator(img_ul) keeps using the GPU memory.

Please write back if you need more details.

One more question:
In the line

LG_semi_arr = out_img_map_lsmax.masked_select(Variable(torch.from_numpy(idx).byte().cuda()))

Is Variable(torch.from_numpy(idx).byte().cuda()) deallocated after the current iteration is done?

Yeah, here is what happens:

  1. If len( != 0, then LG_semi_arr is included in the computation graph of LG_seg. So when you call LG_seg.backward(), the relevant graph part is freed.
  2. If len( == 0, then the graph backing LG_semi_arr can’t be freed as you still have reference to LG_semi_arr until you reach this part in the next iteration!

Here is what I would do:

if LG_semi_arr.size(0) != 0:
  LG_semi = -1*LG_semi_arr.mean()
  del LG_semi_arr
  LG_semi = Variable(torch.zeros(1).cuda())  # just write 0 here should also work

Note that I also rewrote your condition so you don’t need to pull it to CPU and convert to numpy ndarray.

LG_semi_arr is a Variable and calling LG_semi_arr.size(0) should give an error. Right?

No. Most Tensor methods are also on Variables.

Wait I am confused. Why do you need to check the msaked_selected array size? Can’t you just check the original mask array?

I think checking the number non-zero entries in idx should be enough.

UPDATE: Training is working fine now. Thanks a lot for the help. :smiley: