Masking inputs of variable length in SB3-contrib's MaskablePPO source code

Hi Pytorch community,

I have recently posted a question, on SB3-contrib’s repository, titled " What modifications do I need to mask the inputs similar to how MaskablePPO masks the outputs?".

Unfortunately, it seems that no one has an answer to this particular question of mine. Since, SB3 and SB3-contrib are codes implemented using Pytorch, I thought that posting the question here would be of relevance and effectiveness!

Here is the question that I posted [Avoid Replicates]:
What modifications do I need to mask the inputs similar to how MaskablePPO masks the outputs?

Any help is greatly appreciated with regards to this issue. If I must say, I am looking for suggestions for points of modification in the source code, or if anyone is able to guide me in this endeavour, I will be really thankful for your help :slight_smile:

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