Memory growth issues in custom architecture

Hi everyone.

I’m training a custom architecture for a specific problem. This architecture works perfectly. However, I’m trying to run an experiment to calculate the loss according to the attributes. In other words, I select the attribute and calculate the loss for the selected attribute.

The problem that is occurring is the increase in memory. I have tried to analyze what is happening, but I couldn’t figure it out.

Here is part of my code.

prev_size = 1
for attribute_item in combined_attributes:
    NUM_FEATURES = len(attribute_item)
if NUM_FEATURES != prev_size:       
    prev_size = NUM_FEATURES

start_time = time.time()
for epoch in range(50):
    # Create a generator object for data batches
    data_gen = data_generator(trainloader)

    for i, examples in enumerate(data_gen, 0):
        (inputs, desired_output) = examples

        # zero the parameter gradients

        # forward
        output_predictions = model(inputs)

        # loss
        desired_output =
        loss = torch.nn.MSELoss()(output_predictions, desired_output)

        # backward + optimize

        # New 

output_epoch.append(j for j in range(50))

end_time = time.time()
execution_time = end_time - start_time
minutes = int(execution_time // 60)
seconds = int(execution_time % 60)
time_format = "{:02d}:{:02d}".format(minutes, seconds)
print("Time elapsed:", time_format)

#df_tmp = pd.DataFrame()
#df_tmp['Attribute'] = output_attribute
#df_tmp['Epoch'] = output_epoch
#df_tmp['Loss'] =  output_loss

#file_name = '__'.join(attribute_item) + ".xlsx" 
#df_tmp.to_excel(file_name, index=False)

output_attribute = []
output_epoch = []
output_loss = []

del inputs  
del desired_output
del output_predictions
del loss

If necessary, here is the complete code is here:

I would appreciate it if someone could help me, please.

Thank you very much.