Memory Usage Keep Increasing During Training

Hi guys, I trained my model using pytorch lightning. At the beginning, GPU memory usage is only 22%. However, after 900 steps, GPU memory usage is around 68%.

Below is my for training step. I tried to remove unnecessary tensor and clear cache. And I did one for loop check. Everything works fine. May I know where could be the potential issue to cause this memory usage increase?

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        inputs = batch['image']
        labels = batch['label']
        inputs, labels =,
        _, di = self(inputs)
        scores =, di.t())
        label_matrix = lib.create_label_matrix(labels)
        if hasattr(self, 'memory'):
            memory_embeddings, memory_labels = self.memory(di.detach(), labels, batch["path"])
            if self.current_epoch >= self.memory.activate_after:
                memory_scores =, memory_embeddings.t())
                memory_label_matrix = lib.create_label_matrix(labels, memory_labels)
        logs = {}
        losses = []
        total_loss = 0
        for crit, weight in self.criterion:
            if hasattr(crit, 'takes_embeddings'):
                loss = crit(di, labels.view(-1))
                if hasattr(self, 'memory'):
                    if self.current_epoch >= self.memory.activate_after:
                        mem_loss = crit(di, labels.view(-1), memory_embeddings, memory_labels.view(-1))

                loss = crit(scores, label_matrix)
                if hasattr(self, 'memory'):
                    if self.current_epoch >= self.memory.activate_after:
                        mem_loss = crit(memory_scores, memory_label_matrix)

            loss = loss.mean()
            if weight == 'adaptative':
                losses.append(weight * loss)

            logs[crit.__class__.__name__] = loss.item()
            if hasattr(self, 'memory'):
                if self.current_epoch >= self.memory.activate_after:
                    mem_loss = mem_loss.mean()
                    if weight == 'adaptative':
                        losses.append(self.memory.weight * mem_loss)
                        losses.append(weight * self.memory.weight * mem_loss)
                    logs[f"self.memory_{crit.__class__.__name__}"] = mem_loss.item()
            self.log(crit.__class__.__name__, loss.item(), on_step = True, on_epoch = True, prog_bar = True, logger = True)
        total_loss = sum(losses)
        self.log("total_loss", total_loss.item(), on_step = True, on_epoch = True, prog_bar = True, logger = True)
        del losses, scores, label_matrix, di, labels, inputs, loss 
        return total_loss

It seems you are appending the losses here in a list:

            if weight == 'adaptative':
                losses.append(weight * loss)

which will not only append the actual loss value but also the entire computation graph, if the loss tensor is still attached to it.
Call detach() or item() on the loss before appending it to the list.