Missing ops in scripted function

Hi everyone,

I’ve come across some interesting behavior regarding TorchScript and index ops. The following two functions do the same job. However, upon inspection of the TorchScript code, one can see that in the latter the JIT compiler completely removes an assignment operator: data_sigma[data_sigma < 1e-12].fill_(1.0)

In [13]: @torch.jit.script
    ...: def fit(data: Tensor):
    ...:     # Reduce all but the last dimension
    ...:     # pylint:disable=unnecessary-comprehension
    ...:     reduction_dims = [i for i in range(data.dim() - 1)]
    ...:     # pylint:enable=unnecessary-comprehension
    ...:     data_mu = torch.mean(data, dim=reduction_dims, keepdim=True)
    ...:     data_sigma = torch.std(data, dim=reduction_dims, keepdim=True)
    ...:     data_sigma = torch.where(data_sigma < 1e-12, torch.ones_like(data_sigma), data_sigma)
    ...:     return data_mu, data_sigma

In [14]: print(fit.code)
def fit(data: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
  reduction_dims = annotate(List[int], [])
  for i in range(torch.sub(torch.dim(data), 1)):
    _0 = torch.append(reduction_dims, i)
  data_mu = torch.mean(data, reduction_dims, True, dtype=None)
  data_sigma = torch.std(data, reduction_dims, True, True)
  _1 = torch.lt(data_sigma, 9.9999999999999998e-13)
  _2 = torch.ones_like(data_sigma, dtype=None, layout=None, device=None, pin_memory=None, memory_format=None)
  data_sigma0 = torch.where(_1, _2, data_sigma)
  return (data_mu, data_sigma0)

In [15]: @torch.jit.script
    ...: def fit(data: Tensor):
    ...:     # Reduce all but the last dimension
    ...:     # pylint:disable=unnecessary-comprehension
    ...:     reduction_dims = [i for i in range(data.dim() - 1)]
    ...:     # pylint:enable=unnecessary-comprehension
    ...:     data_mu = torch.mean(data, dim=reduction_dims, keepdim=True)
    ...:     data_sigma = torch.std(data, dim=reduction_dims, keepdim=True)
    ...:     #data_sigma = torch.where(data_sigma < 1e-12, torch.ones_like(data_sigma), data_sigma)
    ...:     data_sigma[data_sigma < 1e-12].fill_(1.0)
    ...:     return data_mu, data_sigma

In [16]: print(fit.code)
def fit(data: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
  reduction_dims = annotate(List[int], [])
  for i in range(torch.sub(torch.dim(data), 1)):
    _0 = torch.append(reduction_dims, i)
  data_mu = torch.mean(data, reduction_dims, True, dtype=None)
  data_sigma = torch.std(data, reduction_dims, True, True)
  return (data_mu, data_sigma)

Does anyone have a good explanation for this behavior? I’m worried now that the same may be happening in other parts of my code. Such assignments are important when avoiding numerical precision errors.


Yes, this is definitely concerning—do you mind filing a bug on Github and we can follow up there? Thanks!

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Actually: I believe this is correct behavior. Indexing a tensor with another tensor produces a copy of the original tensor. So in the code:

data_sigma[data_sigma < 1e-12].fill_(1.0)

you are performing fill_ on a copy of data_sigma, then immediately throwing it away. The TorchScript compiler is correctly recognizing that this is work that you never use the result of, and thus we remove it as an optimization.

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