Mixture Density Network

I’m trying to get a mixture density network to approximate multivariate distributions. As a pedagogic, toy-example, I’m considering a noisy linear distribution.


As a baseline, I’m fitting this with a basic model:
baseline = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1,32), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(32,1))

Which allows me to get:


Now, I’m creating a mixture model as such:

class MixtureModel(nn.Module): 
    def __init__(self, k = 5): 
        self.base = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1,128), 
        self.means = nn.Linear(128,k)
        self.stds = nn.Linear(128,k)
        self.weights = nn.Linear(128,k)
    def forward(self, x): 
        latent = self.base(x)
        means = self.means(latent)
        stds = F.elu(self.stds(latent)) + 1
        w = F.softmax(self.weights(latent), dim = 1)
        return means, stds, w

Training goes like this, maximizing log likelihood of observed data:

model = MixtureModel()
adam = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = 1e-2)
loader = DataLoader(DS(), batch_size = 64, shuffle = True)
epochs = 50
losses = []
for epoch in range(epochs):
    epoch_loss = []
    for xx,yy in loader: 
        means, sigma, w = model(xx)
        comp = Normal(means, sigma)
        mix = Categorical(w)
        gmm = MixtureSameFamily(mix, comp)
        likelihood = gmm.log_prob(yy)
        loss = -likelihood.mean() 

However, after a few iterations of decreasing loss, the performance plateaus and the result are deceiving. Specifically, I was expecting the variance to grow with x, but the network is predicting constants means, weights and variance for all x.


Similar behaviours are observed when I increase the number of gaussians.


Could someone point me in the right direction ?
Thanks a lot ((:

Mixtures can be hard to identify even with sampling-based methods; even more so with MLE gradient descent methods, that easily get stuck at inferior local optimas.

Usual problems are:

  1. mode collapse - as variance parameter (here, sigma) optimization with gradients is tricky/unstable
  2. component collapse - as you’re trying to find component weights for untrained components, their training trajectory can be chaotic, and components inferior at initialization are likely to be discarded not trained
  3. non-identifiability - if components are not well separated / are overlapping, optimizers can get confused

In your specific case, I don’t think you can discover 5 clusters training on scalar inputs without inherent (x,y) clusters. Check if it trains (finds slope) with k=1, if not - decrease learning rate or constrain sigma (fix to 1 for a start).

Hi @Mehdi I am doing a similar exercise, but I want to ask you. Suppose you solved your issue. Then, how would you predict in inference given that you have just 1 real y target y but your NN predicts k-number of y’s?