Model parameters were cut off with concatenation in Pytorch 0.3.1

Thanks albanD! I upgraded pytorch to 0.4.1.post2. However, my Jupyter notebook still uses the old version 0.3.1.post2. Below are the details.

1. I cloned a new virtual environment where I used conda to do the pytorch upgrade:

conda install pytorch=0.4.1 -c pytorch

2. Discrepancy between the version testing results in the new virtual environment
I activated the new virtual environment, and running the following command line

python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

gave output: 0.4.1.post2

But in Jupyter notebook:

import torch

giving output: 0.3.1.post2

Did I miss anything? Thanks.

Note: A new topic was started on this particular version problem: Upgrading pytorch does not change which version Jupyter notebook uses