Modifying weight update gradient in my training loop


I am working on a project in which I have to study the impact of low precision quantization (int8) on accuracy.
I found this work that has been presented in NEURIPS 2018 that quantize the gradient used for “backprop” and keep the gradient for weight update in full resolution (FP32). [GitHub - eladhoffer/quantized.pytorch](https://Quantized Convolutional networks using PyTorch)

I want also to quantize the weight update gradient before the update operation and I was wondering if it was better to quantize out1 with autograd as done in the previous workfor “backprop” gradient ( file) or to get and update the parameters gradients with .grad.

Modifying github code:

def conv2d_biprec(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, groups=1, num_bits_grad=None):
    out1 = F.conv2d(input.detach(), weight, bias,
                    stride, padding, dilation, groups)
    out1 = quantize_grad(out1, num_bits=num_bits_grad)
    out2 = F.conv2d(input, weight.detach(), bias.detach() if bias is not None else None,
                    stride, padding, dilation, groups)
    out2 = quantize_grad(out2, num_bits=num_bits_grad)
    return out1 + out2 - out1.detach()

def linear_biprec(input, weight, bias=None, num_bits_grad=None):
    out1 = F.linear(input.detach(), weight, bias)
    out1 = quantize_grad(out1, num_bits=num_bits)
    out2 = F.linear(input, weight.detach(), bias.detach()
                    if bias is not None else None)
    out2 = quantize_grad(out2, num_bits=num_bits_grad)
    return out1 + out2 - out1.detach()

Modifying gradient using .grad:

if training:
           for p in model.parameters():

I don’t have the same impact on training (speed, final precision) when I try both, so I want to know which is more rigorous.

Thanks in advance for your help.


It’s recommended to quantize the gradients directly using .grad for each parameter tensor.

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Thank you for your answer. I’ll use the second method.

You’re welcome and it sounds good.