Multi-dimensional sequence to sequence network: how to ignore inplace operation?

I am trying to implement an Multi-Dimensional Recurrent Neural Network [1]. In particular, I am trying to implement a Multi-Dimensional LSTM layer to do multi-dimensional sequence to sequence operations.

Multi-dimensional sequences:
Consider how a LSTM takes as input a sequence and outputs a sequence, by running a LSTM cell over its 1d input. A multi-dimensional LSTM would do the same but for inputs of arbitrary dimension. For instance, an image can be seen as a 2d sequence; the LSTM cell would start at a corner, and iterate over both dimensions (to each cell has 2 successors, instead of 1 for standard sequences).

What I implemented:
I implemented 2 classes, MDLSTMCell(torch.nn.Module) and MDLSTM(torch.nn.Module). Here is the forward() function for the first:

def forward(self, x, old):
    s_0, h_0 = old
    # Note on input dimension:
    # - x is of size (batch_size, self.size_in). It is the value of the
    #   input sequence at a given position.
    # - s_0 and h_0 are of size (self.dim_in,batch_size,self.size_out). They
    #   are the values of the cell state and hidden state at the "previous"
    #   positions, previous from every dimension (default should be 0).
    # 1/ Forget, input, output and cell activation gates.
    f = [torch.sigmoid(self.biasf[l] +,[l]) + sum(torch.mul(h_0[k], self.uf[l][k]) for k in range(self.dim_in))) for l in range(self.dim_in)]
    i = torch.sigmoid(self.biasi +, self.wi) + sum(torch.mul(h_0[k], self.ui[k]) for k in range(self.dim_in)))
    o = torch.sigmoid(self.biaso +, self.wo) + sum(torch.mul(h_0[k], self.uo[k]) for k in range(self.dim_in)))
    c = torch.sigmoid(self.biasc +, self.wc) + sum(torch.mul(h_0[k], self.uc[k]) for k in range(self.dim_in)))
    # 2/ Cell state
    s = torch.mul(i, c) + sum(torch.mul(f[k], s_0[k]) for k in range(self.dim_in))
    # 3/ Final output
    h = torch.mul(o, torch.tanh(s))
    return (s, h)

And here is the the second one:

def forward(self, x):
    # **Note on states:**
    # States are stored as "1d"-tensors (safe for the batch size and output
    # dimension) and concatenated at the end.
    # Uses unravel_index() and ravel_multi_index() to go from 1d indexing
    # to multi-dimensional indexing with the prev_all() function.
    shape_idx = x.shape[:-2]
    batch_size = x.shape[-2]
    shape_t = (batch_size, self.size_out)
    s = [] # Cell state
    h = [] # Hidden state
    for idx in self.iter_idx(shape_idx):
        s_new, h_new = self.mdlstmcell(x[idx], (prev_all(s, idx, shape_idx, shape_t), prev_all(h, idx, shape_idx, shape_t)))
        s.append(s_new.reshape((1, *shape_t)))
        h.append(h_new.reshape((1, *shape_t)))
    h =
    h = torch.reshape(h, (*shape_idx, *shape_t))
    return h

What I would like to do:
This code works, but I don’t like it. Ideally, the cell state s and hidden state h would be pre-allocated with shape (d1, ..., dn, batch_size, self.size_out) and filled with a loop. However, I cannot do this. Filling them with a loop would be doing in-place operations, and PyTorch does not like in-place operations, even though in this specific case it should cause no issue. It should cause no issue because when filling these tensors, I would never override a value that would be used in practice.
As you can see, my solution was to store them in Python lists, and at the end concatenate/reshape everything.

My questions:

  1. Does my approach have an significant impact on performance? I’m assuming it does, allocating a tensor once and filling it should be much faster that performing list operations.
  2. Can I tell PyTorch to, locally, ignore the fact that I am doing in-place operations? This would allow me to fill s and h as tensors.
  3. Does anyone have a better idea as to how to approach this problem?

[1] [0705.2011] Multi-Dimensional Recurrent Neural Networks