torchrl version: 0.5.0
python: 3.11.10
RuntimeError: All input tensors (value, reward and done states) must share a unique shape).
To Replicate:
Follow the PPO tutorial and make the following changes:
- Replace the GymEnv with this
class DummyEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self, env_config={}, render_mode=None):
self.action_space = Discrete(3)
self.observation_space = MultiDiscrete([10,10])
def reset(self, actions):
return self.observation_space.sample(), {}
def step(self, actions):
return self.observation_space.sample(), 0, False, False, {}
And change the environment transform to:
env = TransformedEnv(
DTypeCastTransform(dtype_in=torch.int64, dtype_out=torch.float32), #Necessary since we have discrete observation, observation space returns ints, but torch needs them to be floats
My assumption is torch is thinking that the extra dimension is a batch size. Is there a way to flatten the MultiDiscrete space?