Multilabel loss function implementation for semantic edge detection


I’m trying to implement the multi-label loss function described in the following CVPR 2017 paper:

Which is reproduced below:

In this loss function, Y(hats) are ground truth tensors of size [numchannels, width, height], where every channel contains a binary image. This particular paper tries to find category-specific contours in images, which are obviously extremely unbalanced so they introduce a beta term to weight the loss function. p are the pixels in the image.

I implemented the following class for the loss function but am unsure whether or not it is correct.

class MultiLLFuntion(nn.Module):

def __init__(self, beta):
    self.beta = beta
def forward(self, predictions, targets):
    """Multilabel loss
                predictions: a tensor containing pixel wise predictions
                    shape: [batch_size, num_classes, width, height]
                ground_truth: a tensor containing binary labels
                    shape: [batch_size, num_classes, width, height]
    log1 = torch.log(predictions)
    log2 = torch.log(1-predictions)
    term1 = torch.mul(torch.mul(targets, -self.beta), log1)
    term2 = torch.mul(torch.mul(1-targets, 1-self.beta), log2)
    sum_of_terms = term1 - term2
    loss = torch.sum(sum_of_terms)

In this code, I assume that predictions is a tensor containing the likelihood of edge presence in each pixel: at the end of the network I’ll just pass a sigmoid through the last layer.

I am new to PyTorch and thus I’m not exactly sure how I should go about checking if this implementation is correct. If it isn’t, could someone help me get it right?

Well, I think the implementation is correct. I was only missing a

super(MultiLLFunction, self).__init__()

in the instance initialization. The following is the code again.

class MultiLLFunction(nn.Module):

     def __init__(self, beta):
         super(MultiLLFunction, self).__init__()
         self.beta = beta

     def forward(self, predictions, targets):
             """Multilabel loss
                 predictions: a tensor containing pixel wise predictions
                     shape: [batch_size, num_classes, width, height]
                 ground_truth: a tensor containing binary labels
                     shape: [batch_size, num_classes, width, height]
         log1 = torch.log(predictions)
         log2 = torch.log(1-predictions)
         term1 = torch.mul(torch.mul(targets, -self.beta), log1)
         term2 = torch.mul(torch.mul(1-targets, 1-self.beta), log2)
         sum_of_terms = term1 - term2
         return torch.sum(sum_of_terms)

I tested it against torch.nn.BCELoss() removing the (1-beta) term and dividing the returned loss by number of samples and it worked just fine.
I had to pass the predictions through a sigmoid to make it work, otherwise it outputs NaN.

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