Multiprocessing code works using numpy but deadlocked using pytorch

I’m hitting what appears to be a deadlock when trying to make use of multiprocessing with pytorch. The equivalent numpy code works like I expect it to.

I’ve made a simplified version of my code: a pool of 4 workers executing an array-wide broadcast operation 1000 times (so ~250 each worker). The array in question is 100,000 x 3 and the broadcast operation is subtraction of all rows by a single 1 x 3 row array. The large array is a shared/global array, and the row array is different at each iteration.

The code works exactly as expected using numpy, with the pooled workers showing a 4x speedup over the equivalent for loop.

The code in pytorch, however, hits a deadlock (I assume): none of the workers complete the array broadcast operation even once.

The numpy code below prints the following:

Finished for loop over my_subtractor: took 8.1504 seconds.
Finished pool over my_subtractor: took 2.2247 seconds.

The pytorch code, on the other hand, prints this then stalls:

Finished for loop over my_subtractor: took 3.1082 seconds.

“BLA” print statements are just to show that each worker is stuck in – apparently – a deadlock state. There are exactly 4 of these: one per worker entering – and getting stuck in – an iteration.

If you feel ambitious enough to reproduce, note that it doesn’t work on Windows because it’s not wrapped around if __name__ == '__main__': (I read somewhere that you need this because of the way Windows handles launching processes). Also you will need to create an empty file called

Here is the numpy code

from time import time
import numpy as np
import my_globals
from multiprocessing import Pool as ThreadPool

# shared memory by virtue of being global
my_globals.minuend = np.random.rand(100000,3)

# array to be iterated over in for loop / pool of workers
subtrahends = np.random.rand(10000,3)

# function called at each iteration (broadcast operation)
def my_subtractor(subtrahend):
    my_globals.minuend - subtrahend
    return 0

# launch for loop
ts = time()
for idx, subtrahend in enumerate(subtrahends):
te = time()
print('Finished for loop over my_subtractor: took %2.4f seconds.' % (te - ts))

# launch equivalent pool of workers
ts = time()
pool = ThreadPool(4), subtrahends)
te = time()
print('Finished pool over my_subtractor: took %2.4f seconds.' % (te - ts))

Here is the equivalent pytorch code:

from time import time
import torch
import my_globals

from torch.multiprocessing import Pool as ThreadPool

# necessary on my system because it has low limits for number of file descriptors; not recommended for most systems,
# see:

# shared memory by virtue of being global
my_globals.minuend = torch.rand(100000,3)

# array to be iterated over in for loop / pool of workers
subtrahends = torch.rand(10000,3)

# function called at each iteration (broadcast operation)
def my_subtractor(subtrahend, verbose=True):
    if verbose:
        print("BLA") # -- prints for every worker in the pool (so 4 times total)
    my_globals.minuend - subtrahend
    if verbose:
        print("ALB") # -- doesn't print for any worker
    return 0

# launch for loop
ts = time()
for idx, subtrahend in enumerate(subtrahends):
    my_subtractor(subtrahend, verbose=False)
te = time()
print('Finished for loop over my_subtractor: took %2.4f seconds.' % (te - ts))

# launch equivalent pool of workers
ts = time()
pool = ThreadPool(4), subtrahends)
te = time()
print('Finished pool over my_subtractor: took %2.4f seconds.' % (te - ts))