NaN loss and loss scale below 0.0001

I am finetuning wav2vec2 on my own data. I am running this on k80 and as it doesn’t support fp16. When I was training with fp16 flag got loss scale reached to 0.0001

FloatingPointError: Minimum loss scale reached (0.0001). Your loss is probably exploding. Try lowering the learning rate, using gradient clipping or increasing the batch size.

Then I switched to FP32 but loss became nan this time:
getting log:

/data/fairseq/fairseq/ UserWarning: amp_C fused kernels unavailable, disabling multi_tensor_l2norm; you may get better performance by installing NVIDIA's apex library
  "amp_C fused kernels unavailable, disabling multi_tensor_l2norm; "
/data/fairseq/fairseq/ UserWarning: amp_C fused kernels unavailable, disabling multi_tensor_l2norm; you may get better performance by installing NVIDIA's apex library
2020-10-01 10:25:50 | WARNING | root | NaN or Inf found in input tensor.
2020-10-01 10:25:50 | WARNING | root | NaN or Inf found in input tensor.
2020-10-01 10:25:50 | WARNING | root | NaN or Inf found in input tensor.
2020-10-01 10:25:50 | INFO | train | {"epoch": 73, "train_loss": "nan", "train_ntokens": "15558.8", "train_nsentences": "427.098", "t
rain_nll_loss": "nan", "train_wps": "2443", "train_ups": "0.16", "train_wpb": "15558.8", "train_bsz": "427.1", "train_num_updates": "
9291", "train_lr": "1e-08", "train_gnorm": "nan", "train_loss_scale": null, "train_train_wall": "867", "train_wall": "0"}
2020-10-01 10:25:50 | INFO | fairseq.trainer | begin training epoch 74
2020-10-01 10:40:41 | INFO | fairseq_cli.train | begin validation on "valid" subset
2020-10-01 10:42:40 | WARNING | root | NaN or Inf found in input tensor.
2020-10-01 10:42:40 | WARNING | root | NaN or Inf found in input tensor.
2020-10-01 10:42:40 | INFO | valid | {"epoch": 74, "valid_loss": "nan", "valid_ntokens": "2570.42", "valid_nsentences": "71.4286", "v
alid_nll_loss": "nan", "valid_uer": "100", "valid_wer": "100", "valid_raw_wer": "100", "valid_wps": "2780.3", "valid_wpb": "2570.4", 
"valid_bsz": "71.4", "valid_num_updates": "9454", "valid_best_wer": "100"}

Any suggestions on how to overcome such conditions.

Are you using opt_level='O0' in apex.amp? If so, could you remove apex and run the model in “pure” float32 and check if you are still seeing invalid outputs?
If so, could you check, if the inputs are containing valid values via torch.isfinite(input).all()?