Hello. Nice to meet you guys.
I am currently try to make the pytorch version about SDD crack segmentation network.
The paper said about the pointwise first and depthwise after.
I wrote the block like below.
> class depthwise_separable_convs(nn.Module):
> def __init__(self, nin=64, nout=64, kernel_size, padding, bias=False):
> super(depthwise_separable_convs, self).__init__()
> d=64
> pw_filter_nums=int(d/2)
> self.pointwise = nn.Sequential(
> #pointwise
> nn.Conv2d(nin, pw_filter_nums, kernel_size=3,stride=1, padding=1, groups=pw_filter_nums, bias=bias),
> nn.BatchNorm2d(pw_filter_nums),
> nn.ReLU(inplace=True),
> #depthwise
> nn.Conv2d(pw_filter_nums, nout, kernel_size=3, padding=padding, groups=pw_filter_nums, bias=bias),
> nn.BatchNorm2d(nout),
> nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
> def forward(self, x):
> out = self.pointwise(x)
> return out
I follow some inquire in this community. I am not sure that the depth wise and pointwise for groups correctly.
However I am sure that there is some error about my code. The training loss is not decrease.
Does anyone give some advice about my code error. I do not understand the group parts correctly. My training code is not the problem I tested this train code for unet and deeplab v3 and it works very well.
Thank you for reading my question.