Negative strides in tensor error

Hi, when I use numpy.flip() on my array and then i try to create from this array torch tensor with torch.from_numpy(x)
It says

ValueError: At least one stride in the given numpy array is negative, and tensors with negative strides are not currently supported. (You can probably work around this by making a copy of your array  with array.copy().) 

Why is this happening ? I see there are some solutions on internet but this never happened to me yet and I was using numpy.flip() a lot.
When I use min() max() on this array there is no negative number so why is this happening ?

example code:
Just normal numpy array, flip it and it crashes.

import numpy
import torch
x = numpy.zeros((12,3,48,48))

def _augmentation_flip(image_np, label_np):
    aug_img = numpy.flip(image_np, 1)
    aug_label = numpy.flip(label_np, 1)

    return aug_img, aug_label

x,y = _augmentation_flip(x,x)


Not the values in the array/tensor are negative but the strides, which are used to access elements in the tensor via indexing.
Negative strides are not supported in PyTorch, so you would have to create a copy first:

x = torch.randn(10, 10)
x[:, ::-1]
# > ValueError: step must be greater than zero
x.numpy()[:, ::-1] # works

a = np.random.randn(10, 10)
# > (80, 8)
a = np.flip(a)
# > (-80, -8)

x = torch.from_numpy(a)
# > ValueError: At least one stride in the given numpy array is negative, and tensors with negative strides are not currently supported. (You can probably work around this by making a copy of your array  with array.copy().) 

x = torch.from_numpy(a.copy()) # works
# > (10, 1)
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Now I understand thank you a lot !

For a negative stride of 2 (so -2), you can also do as a workaround:

tensor[:, :, (not res.shape[-1] % 2)*1::2]

No need to copy etc.

for what it’s worth, this error can happen if you’re trying to make a tensor out of an image that has been “rotated” via metadata adjustment.

for example:

  1. in macOS, select an image and push CMD+L. this doesn’t rewrite any raster data, it just changes the orientation of the image in the image’s metadata.
  2. load the image into a python script via imageio: import imageio; image = imageio.imread("/path/to/image.jpg") — imageio respects the image’s metadata and implements the rotation using a negative stride in the appropriate place
  3. try to make the image into a tensor: import torch; tensor = torch.Tensor(image)

this should raise the negative stride error.

if you write the image to disk and try the above procedure again, everything should be fine.

Would you be able to elaborate on this? I think I see what you’re getting at but I’m not sure how you’d write it out

I meant more that with this syntax, you can extract the same values as that you would get by using a negative strides, however the order of the values is reversed now: