nn.Conv2d causing error in multi-GPU learning

I am currently creating a custom module inside an existing CNN using pytorch. I am doing this as part of my schools research, and so I have access to a super computer with multiple GPU devices. When I train my model, after running through the first validation set I run into the following error:

“RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:1 and cuda:0! (when checking argument for argument weight in method wrapper__cudnn_convolution)”

Now, this does not happen when I skip the convolution in my module and just put some dummy calculation in. This error also doesn’t raise when I use a single gpu or a cpu. Here is my custom module. The convolution takes place in the ‘conv_gauss’ function at the very bottom:

class DivisiveNormBlock(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, channel_num = 512, size = 56, ksize = 4):
        self.channel_num = channel_num
        self.size = size
        self.ksize = ksize

        scale = 90  # Random scale factor I've been playing with.
        self.theta = torch.nn.Parameter(scale * torch.abs(torch.randn(self.channel_num, self.channel_num, device="cuda",
                                                                      requires_grad=True)))  # 512 thetas for a channel, 512 channels, same goes for...
        self.p = torch.nn.Parameter(
            scale * torch.abs(torch.randn(self.channel_num, self.channel_num, device="cuda", requires_grad=True)))
        self.sig = torch.nn.Parameter(
            scale * torch.abs(torch.randn(self.channel_num, self.channel_num, device="cuda", requires_grad=True)))
        self.a = torch.nn.Parameter(
            scale * torch.abs(torch.randn(self.channel_num, self.channel_num, device="cuda", requires_grad=True)))
        self.nI = torch.nn.Parameter(
            torch.abs(torch.randn(self.channel_num, self.channel_num, device="cuda", requires_grad=True)))
        self.nU = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.abs(torch.randn(self.channel_num, device="cuda", requires_grad=True)))
        self.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.abs(torch.randn(self.channel_num, device="cuda", requires_grad=True)))
        self.gaussian_bank = torch.zeros(self.channel_num, self.channel_num, self.ksize * 2+ 1, self.ksize * 2+ 1,
        self.x = torch.linspace(-self.ksize, self.ksize, self.ksize * 2 + 1, device="cuda")
        self.y = torch.linspace(-self.ksize, self.ksize, self.ksize * 2 + 1, device="cuda")
        self.xv, self.yv = torch.meshgrid(self.x, self.y)

        for i in range(self.channel_num):
            for u in range(self.channel_num):
                self.gaussian_bank[i, u, :, :] = self.get_gaussian(i, u)

        p = int((self.ksize * 2) / 2)
        conv_kernel_size = self.ksize * 2+ 1
        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(self.channel_num, self.channel_num, padding=p, stride=1,
                              kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, bias=False)

    def get_gaussian(self, cc, oc):  #
        xrot = self.xv * torch.cos(self.theta[cc, oc]) + self.yv * torch.sin(self.theta[cc, oc])
        yrot = -self.xv * torch.sin(self.theta[cc, oc]) + self.yv * torch.cos(self.theta[cc, oc])
        g_kernel = (self.a[cc, oc]) + self.yv * torch.cos(self.theta[cc, oc])
    g_kernel = (self.a[cc, oc] / \
                (2 * torch.pi * self.p[cc, oc] * self.sig[cc, oc])) * \
               torch.exp(-0.5 * ((((xrot) ** 2) / self.p[cc, oc] ** 2) + ((yrot) ** 2) / self.sig[cc, oc] ** 2))

    return g_kernel

def forward(self, x):

    x_test = self.dn_f(x)

    return x

def dn_f(self, x):

    batch_size = x.shape[0]
    under_sum = torch.zeros((self.channel_num, self.size, self.size), device="cuda")
    normalized_channels = torch.zeros((batch_size, self.channel_num, self.size, self.size), device="cuda")
    for b in tqdm(range(batch_size)):
        for i in range(self.channel_num):
            for u in range(self.channel_num):
                under_sum[u] = self.conv_gauss(torch.pow(x[b, i], self.nI[i, u]), self.gaussian_bank[i, u])
                #under_sum[u] = under_sum[u]
            normalized_channels[b, i] = torch.pow(x[b, i], self.nU[i]) / (
                    torch.pow(self.bias[i], self.nU[i]) + torch.sum(under_sum, 0))
    return normalized_channels

def conv_gauss(self, x_conv, gauss_conv):

    x_conv = torch.reshape(x_conv, (1, 1, self.size, self.size))
    gauss_conv = torch.reshape(gauss_conv, (1, 1, self.ksize * 2+ 1, self.ksize * 2+ 1))
    p = int((self.ksize*2)/2)
    self.conv.weight = nn.Parameter(gauss_conv)
    output = self.conv(x_conv)
    output = torch.reshape(output, (self.size, self.size))
    return output

For some extra context, I also did tried this with F.conv2d in the function instead, but to no avail.

You are explicitly pushing the tensors to GPU0 via e.g.

torch.zeros((self.channel_num, self.size, self.size), device="cuda")

which will raise errors as e.g. DataParallel or DistributedDataParallel would either push the model to the specified devices automatically in the former case or you would use the rank in DDP.
If you need to create a new tensor in the forward use the .device attribute of e.g. the input or a parameter:

torch.zeros((self.channel_num, self.size, self.size), device=x.device)

Thanks for the quick reply! I actually added that ‘device=‘cuda’’ part in the forward during troubleshooting and forgot to remove it, but the same problem persists when I remove that. Is it mandatory that whenever I make a new tensor in the forward that I set the device, or is DataParallel doing that for me?

DataParallel will move all properly registered buffers, parameters, and submodules to the devices.
If you are creating new tensors in the forward DataParallel won’t be aware of them and you would need to make sure to push these new tensors to the corresponding device as given in the previous post.

Ah, gotcha. Thank you so much, I am going to try this and get back to you.

Quick question, when I assign ‘output = self.conv(x_conv)’, is this output going to be stored on the right device? Do I have to do any sort of specification when performing the convolution? Also, do you see anywhere I may need to add ‘device=x.device’ in the forward other than under_sum and normalized_channels? Thanks once again.

Unfortunately it still does not work, same error. The only things I have added so far was the device=x.device to the under_sum and normalized_channels. Any ideas?

You might have the same issues in e.g. self.theta as you are manually specifying the device.
Generally, don’t use to('cuda') inside the model and let DataParallel move the parameters to the right device.

Unfortunately the error persists when removing that.

Hi, I have a similar problem. Did you find out what was the issue?