nn.DataParallel replicating torch.Tensor instead nn.Parameters for network weight and bias

I’m using nn.Dataparallel and suffering for network weight replicating issue.
Pytorch version is 1.3.1.

Linear_fw is a child class of nn.Linear, which becomes a part of the network architecture.
The key feature of my interest is to register a member named fast for weight and bias in nn.Linear.

class Linear_fw(nn.Linear): # child class of nn.Linear.
    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features):
        super(Linear_fw, self).__init__(in_features, out_features)
        self.weight.fast = None # <-- register a member, supposed to be assigned an nn.Parameter outside.
        self.bias.fast = None #<-- register a member, supposed to be assigned an nn.Parameter outside.
        self.fast_flag = True

The error occurs during forwarding with nn.DataParallel

class Linear_fw(nn.Linear): # child class of nn.Linear.
    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features):
        super(Linear_fw, self).__init__(in_features, out_features)
        self.weight.fast = None # <-- register a member, supposed to be assigned an nn.Parameter outside.
        self.bias.fast = None #<-- register a member, supposed to be assigned an nn.Parameter outside.
        self.fast_flag = True

    def forward(self, x):
        if self.fast_flag:
            out = F.linear(x, self.weight.fast, self.bias.fast) # <-- Attribute error occurs
            out = super(Linear_fw, self).forward(x)
        return out

An attribute error raises saying that:

    out = F.linear(x, self.weight.fast, self.bias.fast)
        AttributeError: 'Tensor' object has no attribute 'fast'

Without using nn.DataParallel, self.weight is nn.Parameters and the code runs. But with using nn.DataParallel, self.weight is torch.Tensor, thus, accessing to its member self.weight.fast raise the error. This error raise only with nn.DataParallel.

Here, the easiest way is to code (somehow magically) to replicate the network weight and bias of nn.Parameters instead torch.Tensor during nn.DataParallel.forward.
Is it possible somehow? I sincerely appreciate your advices.

Could you explain a bit, what you mean by this approach?

How are you setting the parameters to the initially empty attributes?
Note that you cannot set these parameters in the forward method using nn.DataParallel, as these parameters will only be registered in the replica models, not the root model.

What I wondering is: is it possible to make self.weight and self.bias to be passed as the type of nn.Parameter in multi-GPU setting?
At the beginning of forward, self.weight.__class__ and self.bias.__class__ are torch.Tensor type at the multi-GPU setting, which looses access their member variable "fast" :cry:. In the single-GPU settings, self.weight.__class__ and self.bias.__class__ keep their type nn.Parameter at forward as they were made, thus accessing fast is not a problem. In other words, setting those to nn.Parameter inside of forward is not desired in this case.
Thank you.