nn.Parameter does not update after training the first fold


So I am using 10-fold cross-validation and the model is updated without problems, but after evaluating the first fold the parameter values won’t update. The module I am using is defined below:

class CRFlayer(nn.Module, ABC):
    def __init__(self, nodes=25):
        super(CRFlayer, self).__init__()
        self.nodes = nodes
        # Sets learnable weights
        self.Wh = nn.Parameter(Tensor([0]))
        self.Wh.requires_grad = True
        self.Wv = nn.Parameter(Tensor([0]))
        self.Wv.requires_grad = True
        self.Wd1 = nn.Parameter(Tensor([0]))
        self.Wd1.requires_grad = True
        self.Wd2 = nn.Parameter(Tensor([0]))
        self.Wd2.requires_grad = True

During the first training I can manually modify the values of the parameters without problem and they will update using something like:

with torch.no_grad():  

However, if I use the same code, the weights won’t update during the second iteration of cross-validation (note that as soon as I reach the last epoch of the first iteration, I don’t use the model anymore until the next iteration). I also tried to reset the parameters using this:

    elif isinstance(m, CRFlayer):
        torch.nn.init.constant_(m.Wh, 0)
        torch.nn.init.constant_(m.Wv, 0)
        torch.nn.init.constant_(m.Wd1, 0)
        torch.nn.init.constant_(m.Wd2, 0)

In both cases, the values are 0 but they don’t change later. I verified the weights using the debugger and the requires_grad field is True. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.


No need to call self.Wh.requires_grad = True, this is the default when you create a Parameter.

Also you will want to make sure that your params are still properly leaf Tensors after the first update (with .is_leaf()). If they are not, they won’t get their .grad field populated and won’t be updated.
Otherwise, the way you do the update with no_grad and copy_ is the right way to go and won’t cause any issue.

Hi albanD, thanks for the quick response. Yes, the is_leaf field is still True after the first iteration. I called self.Wh.requires_grad = True just because I wanted to make sure that nothing has changed when I use the model again. The copy_ works only during the first training but after that, the parameters simply don’t change.

Just as a reference, this shows that the parameters are still 0 after some epochs during the second iteration of the cross-validation.

I should mention that I am using two nn.modules. The first is a CNN that is always updated and the other is the CRF layer I showed before. I am using an optimizer that looks like this:

params = list(model.parameters())  # CNN parameters
params.extend(list(modelcrf.parameters()))  # Pairwise parameters
optimizer2 = optim.Adadelta(params, lr=1.0)

I guess something else is problematic then.
Could you give a small code sample (30 lines) that reproduces the issue?

I guess there are too many steps to do something reproducible but the only part where I use the model is this (the problem happes when I execute this for the second time):

model = Hyper3DNetLiteReg(img_shape=(1, nbands, windowSize, windowSize))
modelcrf = CRFlayer(nodes=windowSize ** 2)

# Training parameters
criterion = nn.MSELoss()
params = list(model.parameters())  # CNN parameters
params.extend(list(modelcrf.parameters()))  # Pairwise parameters
optimizer2 = optim.Adadelta(params, lr=1.0)

for epoch in range(epochs):  # Epoch loop
    model.network.train()  # Sets training mode
    running_loss = 0.0
    for step in range(T):  # Batch loop
        # Generate indexes of the batch
        inds = indexes[step * batch_size:(step + 1) * batch_size]
        trainb = train[inds]
        # Get actual batches
        trainxb = torch.from_numpy(trainx[inds]).float().to(device)
        trainyb = torch.from_numpy(
                   (train_y[trainb].shape[0], 1,
                    train_y[trainb].shape[1] * train_y[trainb].shape[2]))).float().to(device)
        # zero the parameter gradients
        # forward + backward + optimize
        outputs = model.network(trainxb)
        outputs = torch.reshape(outputs, (outputs.shape[0], 1, outputs.shape[1] * outputs.shape[2]))
        loss = model.crf(outputs, trainyb, self.Lh, self.Lv, self.Ld1, self.Ld2, device, lossC=True)

Is the optimizer here a pytorch provided optimizer?
In general this part of the code is good.

@albanD yes, the optimizer is Adadelta. Fortunately, I found the problem. Each time I finished one iteration, I saved and loaded the best weights using “init.constant_”; replacing it for “copy()” solved the problem.

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