PyTorch Version: 1.8.1+cu102
Using this tutorial for NNAPI ((Prototype) Convert MobileNetV2 to NNAPI — PyTorch Tutorials 1.8.1+cu102 documentation), I’m trying to convert my QAT trained model with qnnpack backend, using torch.backends._nnapi.prepare.convert_model_to_nnapi(traced, input_tensor)
However in my model I make use of torch.nn.functional.pixel_shuffle
, and when I run the conversion function I receive the following error:
File ".../pytorch/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/backends/_nnapi/", line 641, in add_node
raise Exception("Unsupported node kind (%r) in node %r" % (node.kind(), node))
Exception: Unsupported node kind ('aten::pixel_shuffle') in node %99 : Tensor = aten::pixel_shuffle(%x_hat, %98)
It seems like PixelShuffle
is not supported; is that correct?
However I can see here DEPTH_TO_SPACE
are NNAPI operation codes: pytorch/ at cf7d56d8f223d4b10a624a5f7af886a2b67f0955 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub
Is there any way to use PixelShuffle
like behaviour with the NNAPI?