NodeSplitting SegFault

splitNode method throws segfault. I am in “Debug” mode, and using “resnet-runtime” network as the input.

In my case, the segfault occured when dealing Maxpool and AvgPool nodes.

for (auto &node : F->getNodes())
      if (node.getUsers().size() == 0 || static_cast<std::string>(node.getKindName()) == "Convolution")
      std::vector<glow::Node *> splitNodes;
      auto dims = node.dims(0);
      if(dims.size() == 4)
        if(dims[3]/VW > 1)
          std::cout << static_cast<std::string>(node.getName()) << "\n";
          ASSIGN_VALUE_OR_FATAL(splitNodes, glow::splitNode(&node, SplitNodeByNumChunks({ShapeNHWC::DimC},{dims[3]/VW})));

Thanks for reporting this. Can you file an issue on Github with what you have here, and tag mciprian13, who is the original author of much of the splitNode infra?

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