Non gradient-trackable convolutions

Hi all!

I’m wondering is it possible to perform convolutions during the training of neural networks in which a convolution kernel is detached from the gradient tree.

An example would be the autoencoder shown below:

In the example above, a convolution of the reconstructed image (exiting the decoder CNN subnet) is performed using a 2D kernel which is detached from the gradient tree.

In this way, the encodings (exiting the encoder CNN subnet) would be learned parameters/embeddings necessary to reconstruct an unconvolved image prior to the untracked convolution.

Forgetting use cases and why you may want to do this, my question is whether a torch.nn.ConvNd operation using a gradient-tree-detached kernel is something that the API allows, without breaking the gradient tree?

I know this is possible for simple operations such as multiplying/summing/subtracting/dividing parameters/weights by untracked tensors, but I wonder if it still holds for operations which use more complex operations rooted in the torch API, like convolutions.

Many thanks in advance for all your help!

Yes, that’s possible.
You could either use the functional API with a kernel specified as a plain tensor (not an nn.Parameter):

kernel = torch.randn(...)
out = F.conv2d(input, kernel, ...)

or set the requires_grad attribute of the weight (and bias) in the conv layer to False.

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