One of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation HELP!

I decided to make my code faster by removing python lists and storing all my tensors into a tuple. Before doing this, my code worked but my new code is getting this inplace operation error. It’s somewhere in my forward function as that’s the only code I have edited prior to the working code. I have tried doing different combinations of clones, but I just cannot seem to find the issue.

        def forward(self):
        x =
        log_det_j = x.new_zeros(x.shape[0])

        for i in range(self.coup_layer):
            theta = []
            if self.flip[i] == 1:
                x1, x2 = torch.chunk(x, 2, dim=1)
                x2, x1 = torch.chunk(x, 2, dim=1)

            one = x.new_ones((len(x2[1]), x.shape[0], 2))

            theta_x = torch.zeros((len(x2[1]), len(x2), self.k_bins))
            theta_fx = torch.zeros((len(x2[1]), len(x2), self.k_bins))
            theta_d = torch.zeros((len(x2[1]), len(x2), self.k_bins - 1))

            theta.extend((theta_x, theta_fx, theta_d))

            x1_ = self.layer[i](x1)

            # Partition the data by its theta parameters
            for dim, chunk in enumerate(torch.chunk(x1_, len(x2[1]), dim=1)):
                for j, val in enumerate(torch.chunk(chunk, 3, dim=1)):
                    theta[j][dim] = val

            #Convert the parameters into cumulative sum of softmax parameters
            # theta[0] = x_i, theta[1] = f(x)_i, theta[2] = d_i

            for j in range(len(x2[1])):
                theta[0][j] = torch.cumsum(F.softmax(theta[0][j], dim=1), dim=1) * 2 * self.b - self.b  #x_i
                theta[1][j] = torch.cumsum(F.softmax(theta[1][j], dim=1), dim=1) * 2 * self.b - self.b  #f(x)_i
                theta[2][j] = F.softplus(theta[2][j])                     #d_i

            # Add in endpoint
            theta_ = torch.zeros((3, len(x2[1]), len(x2), self.k_bins + 1))

            theta_[0, :, :, 1:self.k_bins+1] = theta[0]
            theta_[1, :, :, 1:self.k_bins+1] = theta[1]
            theta_[2, :, :, 1:self.k_bins] = theta[2]
            theta_[2, :, :, (0, self.k_bins)] = one

            #Search for bin location and update variables correspondingly
            for j in range(len(x2[1])):
                # Contains index of i and i+1
                x_i_id = F.relu(theta_[0, j].clone() - x2[:, j].reshape(x2.size()[0], 1)).clone()
                x_i_id = torch.argmin(x_i_id, dim=1)
                x_i_plus_id = x_i_id + 1
                x_i_ = theta_[0, j].gather(1, x_i_id.view(-1, 1)).clone()
                x_i_plus_ = theta_[0, j].gather(1, x_i_plus_id.view(-1, 1)).clone()
                y_i_ = theta_[1, j].gather(1, x_i_id.view(-1, 1)).clone()
                y_i_plus_ = theta_[1, j].gather(1, x_i_plus_id.view(-1, 1)).clone()
                d_i_ = theta_[2, j].gather(1, x_i_id.view(-1, 1)).clone()
                d_i_plus_ = theta_[2, j].gather(1, x_i_plus_id.view(-1, 1)).clone()

                if j == 0:
                    x_i = x_i_
                    x_i_plus = x_i_plus_
                    y_i = y_i_
                    y_i_plus = y_i_plus_
                    d_i = d_i_
                    d_i_plus = d_i_plus_
                    x_i =, x_i_), dim=1)
                    x_i_plus =, x_i_plus_), dim=1)
                    y_i =, y_i_), dim=1)
                    y_i_plus =, y_i_plus_), dim=1)
                    d_i =, d_i_), dim=1)
                    d_i_plus =, d_i_plus_), dim=1)

            h_i = x_i_plus - x_i
            x_rel = (x2 - x_i) / h_i
            delta = (y_i_plus - y_i) / h_i

            x2 = y_i + ((y_i_plus - y_i) * (delta * x_rel ** 2 + d_i * x_rel * (1 - x_rel))
                        / (delta + (d_i_plus + d_i - 2 * delta) * x_rel * (1 - x_rel)))

            Jac = ((delta ** 2) * (d_i_plus * (x_rel ** 2) + 2 * delta * x_rel * (1 - x_rel) + d_i * ((1 - x_rel) ** 2))
                   / (delta + (d_i_plus + d_i - 2 * delta) * x_rel * (1 - x_rel)) ** 2)

            Jac = torch.log(Jac)

            if self.flip[i] == 1:
                x =, x2), dim=1)
                x =, x1), dim=1)

            log_det_j += Jac.sum(dim=1)

        return x, log_det_j


You can enable anomaly mode as recommended in the error message to know which line of the forward created the Tensor that is wrongfully modified inplace :slight_smile:

I received this response:
[torch.FloatTensor [100, 7]], which is output 0 of SelectBackward, is at version 2; expected version 1 instead. Hint: the backtrace further above shows the operation that failed to compute its gradient. The variable in question was changed in there or anywhere later. Good luck!

I’m pretty new to Pytorch, I don’t really know what this means.

the backtrace further above shows the operation that failed to compute its gradient.

There should be another backtrace above the one for the error that tells you that.
It is a python warning, so if you silence python warnings, you want to disable that there.