ONNX export of simple quantized model fails

ONNX export fails for many simple quantized models, such as a single Conv2d or Linear layer.

The PyTorch Quantization FAQ suggests creating an issue with the ONNX project on github, but that sounds dubious. In fact, one such recent issue was closed with the comment “Please open this issue in the PyTorch repository.”

It also suggests contacting people from the ONNX exporter maintainers list, which I have done. I have not yet received a reply, which is not surprising.

So I am posting the issue here since it seems like the proper forum.

Here is a simple test that reproduces the errors in PyTorch 2.1. The tests marked with “BUG” are broken and the error message is documented. The other tests pass.

For the issue to be resolved, we would need to modify these tests and the PyTorch source so that the tests pass.

"""Tests that illustrate bugs in PyTorch's ONNX export of quantized models."""
import unittest
from functools import partial

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.ao.quantization.quantize_fx import prepare_fx, convert_fx, fuse_fx

class _BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
    CHS_IN = 32
    CHS_OUT = 64
    HEIGHT = 8
    WIDTH = 16
    BATCH_SIZE = 4
    PADDING = 1

    def _onnx_export(self, file_name="real.onnx"):
        """Test ONNX export."""
        _export_to_onnx(model=self.model, x=self.x, file_name=file_name)

    def _onnx_export_quantized(self, file_name="quantized.onnx"):
        """Test ONNX export of a quantized model."""
        corpus = _get_random_corpus(self.x)
        batch_size = self.x.shape[0]
        quantized_model = _static_quantize_model(
            model=self.model, corpus=corpus, batch_size=batch_size
        _export_to_onnx(model=quantized_model, x=self.x, file_name=file_name)

class TestOnnxExportLinear(_BaseTest):
    """Test cases for exporting a linear layer."""

    def setUp(self):
        self.model = nn.Linear(self.CHS_IN, self.CHS_OUT)
        self.x = torch.rand(self.BATCH_SIZE, self.CHS_IN)

    def test_onnx_export_linear(self):

    def test_onnx_export_linear_quantized(self):

          File "/home/andrew/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/jit/_trace.py", line 76, in _unique_state_dict
            filtered_dict[k] = v.detach()
        AttributeError: __torch__.torch.classes.quantized.LinearPackedParamsBase (of Python compilation unit at: 0) does not have a field with name 'detach'

class TestOnnxExportLinearRelu(_BaseTest):
    """Test cases for exporting a linear layer followed by ReLU."""

    def setUp(self):
        self.model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.CHS_IN, self.CHS_OUT), nn.ReLU())
        self.x = torch.rand(self.BATCH_SIZE, self.CHS_IN)

    def test_onnx_export_linear_relu(self):

    def test_onnx_export_linear_relu_quantized(self):

          File "/home/andrew/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/onnx/utils.py", line 1950, in _run_symbolic_function
            raise errors.UnsupportedOperatorError(
        torch.onnx.errors.UnsupportedOperatorError: Exporting the operator 'quantized::linear_relu' to ONNX opset version 17 is not supported. Please feel free to request support or submit a pull request on PyTorch GitHub: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues.

class TestOnnxExportConv2d(_BaseTest):
    """Test cases for exporting a conv2d layer."""

    def setUp(self):
        self.model = nn.Conv2d(
            self.CHS_IN, self.CHS_OUT, self.KERNELS_SIZE, padding=self.PADDING
        self.x = torch.rand(self.BATCH_SIZE, self.CHS_IN, self.HEIGHT, self.WIDTH)

    def test_onnx_export_conv2d(self):

    def test_onnx_export_conv2d_quantized(self):

          File "/home/andrew/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/jit/_trace.py", line 76, in _unique_state_dict
            filtered_dict[k] = v.detach()
        AttributeError: __torch__.torch.classes.quantized.Conv2dPackedParamsBase (of Python compilation unit at: 0) does not have a field with name 'detach'

class TestOnnxExportConv2dRelu(_BaseTest):
    """Test cases for exporting a conv2d layer followed by ReLU."""

    def setUp(self):
        """Setup the model and dummy input."""
        self.model = nn.Sequential(
                self.CHS_IN, self.CHS_OUT, self.KERNELS_SIZE, padding=self.PADDING
        self.x = torch.rand(self.BATCH_SIZE, self.CHS_IN, self.HEIGHT, self.WIDTH)

    def test_onnx_export_conv2d_relu(self):

    def test_onnx_export_conv2d_relu_quantized(self):

def _export_to_onnx(
    """Exports a model to an ONNX file."""

def _get_random_corpus(dummy_input, corpus_size=64):
    """Returns a random tensor representing a quantization corpus."""
    batch_size, *input_shape = dummy_input.shape
    corpus_shape = (corpus_size, *input_shape)
    return torch.rand(*corpus_shape)

def _static_quantize_model(model=None, corpus=None, batch_size=None):
    """Returns a model created from static quantization of the given model.

    Applies post-training static quantization, using per-channel symmetric
    quantization for weights and per-tensor affine quantization of activations.
    activations_observer = partial(

    weights_observer = partial(

    my_qconfig = torch.ao.quantization.QConfig(
        activation=activations_observer, weight=weights_observer

    qconfig_mapping = torch.ao.quantization.QConfigMapping().set_global(my_qconfig)

    dataset = torch.utils.data.TensorDataset(corpus)
    data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size)


    first_input = (next(iter(data_loader))[0],)

    prepared_model = prepare_fx(model, qconfig_mapping, first_input)

    _calibrate(prepared_model, data_loader)
    quantized_model = convert_fx(prepared_model)
    return quantized_model

def _calibrate(model, data_loader):
    """Runs all inputs in the data-loader through the model.

    This function can be used to calibrate static quantization parameters.
    with torch.no_grad():
        for (x,) in data_loader:

if __name__ == "__main__":

I noticed that the tests that fail with “AttirbuteError … does not have a field with name ‘detach’” are single-layer models, and these tests succeed if the layer is wrapped in an nn.Sequential module.

So the bug in PyTorch ONNX export would be that single-layer quantized models do not support ONNX export, unless the layer is wrapped in an nn.Module class.

The remaining error is:

torch.onnx.errors.UnsupportedOperatorError: Exporting the operator ‘quantized::linear_relu’ to ONNX opset version 17 is not supported. Please feel free to request support or submit a pull request on PyTorch GitHub: Issues · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub.

yeah we are not able to help with onnx issues, please check out our FAQ for PoCs for onnx: Quantization — PyTorch main documentation

@jerryzh168 not sure you read my original comment. I posted the same FAQ link you did and wrote that I directly contacted one of the ONNX maintainers who did not reply. Also, nobody should be surprised that they did not reply, because directly messaging a maintainer is not a proper channel for supporting open source software.

oh sorry I didn’t see the original post, I don’t see how pytorch can help here, this is an error in onnx, I’m not familiar how onnx exports quantized ops though, I think you should check the onnx support for quantization first.

also it looks like they have their own quantization API actually: Quantize ONNX models | onnxruntime

also alternatively you could try using pytorch tools to lower to your backend as well, I’m sure pytorch will be interested to support the backend that you want to use as well.

So you are saying that PyTorch does not support torch.onnx? I think that position is creating some confusion among users and developers.

Most quantized models I have tested so far are exported by PyTorch just fine. The ONNX graphs have DequantizeLinear and QuantizeLinear operations before and after each unfused layer.

There are some corner cases that don’t work, like single-layer models (which are useful when writing unit tests), and I documented some of the bugs in the above unit tests.

We use ONNX to import models into our custom inference engine. This worked great in the past with floating point models and now appears to be OK for quantized models too, torch.onnx limitations notwithstanding.

What other mechanism would you recommend to export PyTorch models for easy import into a third party inference engine?

So you are saying that PyTorch does not support torch.onnx? I think that position is creating some confusion among users and developers.

oh it’s still supported, what I mean is PyTorch devs are generally not prioritizing fixing issues for torch.onnx, and I think onnx devs will fix these issues.

Most quantized models I have tested so far are exported by PyTorch just fine. The ONNX graphs have DequantizeLinear and QuantizeLinear operations before and after each unfused layer.

so if you just need a representation for the quantized model e.g. (dq → fp32 linear → q), the extension should be simple, just need to produce the model with pytorch quantization API and map q/dq ops to the two onnx ops you mentioned. please take a look at our most recent flow here: Quantization — PyTorch main documentation (available in PyTorch 2.1)

What other mechanism would you recommend to export PyTorch models for easy import into a third party inference engine?

what do you need here? is the q/dq representation here enough for you: (prototype) PyTorch 2 Export Post Training Quantization — PyTorch Tutorials 2.1.1+cu121 documentation

you also have a GraphModule graph here as the container for the quantized model, is it possible for your inference engine lowering stack to work with GraphModule or ExportedProgram objects?

This already works in torch.onnx. Here is a visualization of the ONNX graph of two consecutive quantized Conv2d -> ReLU layers, as exported by torch.onnx.export and imported into our inference engine.

We have successfully exported entire quantized backbone models from PyTorch into ONNX and imported them into our inference engine. As mentioned, there are just some odd corner cases that break.

This representation appears to give us everything we need for subsequent rewrite into our inference engine’s backend graphs for each supported device. If torch.onnx is still supported, then I would just continue to use ONNX as our model import format, because it enables us to support any deep learning framework that supports ONNX.

However, if PyTorch developers recommend a different approach, then I will look into it. Anything we do should support serialization so that users can export their models without integrating our inference engine into their training framework.

I see, please feel free to use onnx if it already works. also I saw some updates on how to report onnx issues here: [ONNX] Update exporter issue report instructions for quantized models by justinchuby · Pull Request #113494 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub please take a look as well

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@Andrew_Lavin_Phantom The ONNX devs work at Microsoft, I haven’t seen them much on discuss but they’re pretty responsive if you open an issue here Sign in to GitHub · GitHub and then tag it as module:onnx

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Thanks @marksaroufim

I created the PyTorch issue: [ONNX] ONNX export of simple quantized model fails · Issue #113817 · pytorch/pytorch · GitHub

I don’t think that I can add the module:onnx label to the issue, because adding labels requires write access to the github project.