ONNX exporter RuntimeError: ONNX export failed: Couldn't export Python operator _PACTRedirectClipHiGrad

Dear all,

I’m trying to export a model in onnx format using torch.onnx.export. Inside my model I have my costume layer that is not recognised by torch.onnx.export. My layer is the following one:

class _PACTQuantiser(torch.autograd.Function):
“”"PACT (PArametrized Clipping acTivation) quantisation function.

This function acts component-wise on the input array. In the forward pass,
it applies the following operation:

.. math::
   f(x) \coloneqq \varepsilon \left\lfloor \clip_{[\alpha, \beta)} \left( \frac{x}{\varepsilon} \right) \right\rfloor \,,

where :math:`\clip_{ [\alpha, \beta) }` is the clipping function

.. math::
   \clip_{ [\alpha, \beta) }(t) \coloneqq \max \{ \alpha, \min\{ t, \beta \} \}` \,,

and :math:`\varepsilon \coloneqq (\beta - \alpha) / (K - 1)` is the
*precision* or *quantum* of the quantiser (:math:`K > 1` is an integer).
It is possible to replace flooring with rounding:

.. math::
   f(x) \coloneqq \varepsilon \left\lfloor \clip_{[\alpha, \beta)} \left( \frac{x}{\varepsilon} \right) \right\rceil \,.

In the backward pass, it applies the straight-through estimator (STE)

.. math::
   \frac{\partial L}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial y} \,,

where :math:`y \coloneqq f(x)`. Possibly the gradient is clipped to the
clipping range :math:`[\alpha, \beta)` applied during the forward pass:

.. math::
   \frac{partial L}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial y} \chi_{[\alpha, \beta)}(x) \,.


def forward(ctx,
            x: torch.Tensor,
            clip_lo: torch.Tensor,
            clip_hi: torch.Tensor,
            step: torch.Tensor,
            scale: torch.Tensor,
            round: bool = False,
            clip_g: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Compute the forward pass of the PACT operation.

        x: the array to be quantised.
        clip_lo: the lower clipping bound :math:`\alpha`.
        clip_hi: the upper clipping bound :math:`beta`.
        step: the number of "unit steps" to take between a quantisation
            threshold and the successive one.
        scale: the (precomputed) value of :math:`\varepsilon`.
        round: whether to apply rounding (True) or flooring (False) to
            integerise the array.
        clip_g: whether zeroing the components of the outgoing gradient
            array if the corresponding components of the input array are
            outside the clipping range :math:`[\alpha, \beta)`.

        x_fq: the fake-quantised array.

    # partition the components of the input tensor with respect to the clipping bounds
    where_x_lo = (x < clip_lo)
    where_x_nc = (clip_lo <= x) * (x < clip_hi)  # non-clipped
    where_x_hi = (clip_hi <= x)
    # assert torch.all((where_x_lo + where_x_nc + where_x_hi) == 1.0)

    # rescale by the quantum to prepare for integerisation
    # `eps / 4` is arbitrary: any value between zero and `eps / 2` can
    # guarantee proper saturation both with the flooring and the rounding
    # operations.
    #t_max = [0]
    #import p
    x_scaled_and_clipped = torch.clamp(x - clip_lo, torch.tensor(0.0).to(device=clip_lo.device), (clip_hi + (scale/4) - clip_lo) ) / (step * scale)  # TODO: is `clip_lo` a reasonably reliable reference to move a newly-generated tensor to a specific device?


    # integerise (fused binning and re-mapping)
    x_int = (x_scaled_and_clipped + 0.5).floor() if round else x_scaled_and_clipped.floor()

    # fake-quantise
    x_fq = clip_lo + scale * x_int

    # pack context
    ctx.clip_g = clip_g
    ctx.save_for_backward(where_x_lo, where_x_nc, where_x_hi, clip_lo, clip_hi)

    return x_fq

def backward(ctx, g_in: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, None, None, None, None]:
    """Compute the backward pass of the PACT operation."""

    # unpack context
    where_x_lo, where_x_nc, where_x_hi, clip_lo, clip_hi, clip_g = ctx.saved_tensors

    # I define this constant once to avoid recreating and casting a `torch.Tensor` at each place where it's needed
    zero = torch.zeros(1).to(where_x_nc.device)

    # clip the gradient that goes towards the input?
    # See "Quantized neural networks: training neural networks with low
    # precision weights and activations", Hubara et al., Section 2.3,
    # equation #6.
    g_out = torch.where(where_x_nc, g_in, zero) if clip_g else g_in
    # gradients to the clipping bounds
    reduce_dims = tuple(i for i, d in enumerate(clip_lo.shape) if d == 1) if clip_lo.shape != (1,) else tuple(range(0, g_in.ndim))  # respect granularity
    g_clip_lo = torch.where(where_x_lo, g_in, zero).sum(dim=reduce_dims).reshape(clip_lo.shape)
    g_clip_hi = torch.where(where_x_hi, g_in, zero).sum(dim=reduce_dims).reshape(clip_hi.shape)
    #      x      clip_lo    clip_hi    step  scale floor clip_g
    return g_out, g_clip_lo, g_clip_hi, None, None, None, None

# @staticmethod
def symbolic(g: torch._C.Graph, input: torch._C.Value, clip_lo, clip_hi, step, scale) -> torch._C.Value:

    quattro = g.op("Constant", value_t = torch.tensor(4))
    c_clamp_min = g.op("Constant", value_t = torch.tensor(0))
    meno1 = g.op("Constant", value_t =  torch.tensor(-1))
    c_clip_lo =  g.op("Add", g.op("Add",clip_hi, g.op("Div",scale, quattro)), g.op("Mul",meno1,clip_lo))
    ret = g.op("Clamp", g.op("Add",input, g.op("Mul",meno1,clip_lo) ), c_clamp_min, c_clip_lo )
    return ret

As you can see I have tried to implement the symbolic function. Do you think it is correct?
After having done this, torch.onnx.export() gives me the following error

RuntimeError: ONNX export failed: Couldn’t export Python operator _PACTRedirectClipHiGrad

Since I don’t have an explicit definition of the operator _PACTRedirectClipHiGrad I don’t know how to fix it. Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks in advance,
