Parent child relation between layers

I am trying to get a dictionary output with key as the layer name and value as the parent layer name.

For example.

class Model(nn.Module):

def __init__(self, instance_size=15, X_size=5, Uncern_size=5):

    super(MyModel, self).__init__()

    self.embedding_instance = nn.Linear(instance_size, 8)
    self.embedding_X = nn.Linear(X_size, 3)
    self.embedding_uncern = nn.Linear(Uncern_size, 3)
    self.fc1 = nn.Linear(14, 5)  
    self.fc2 = nn.Linear(5, 1)

def forward(self, instance, X, uncern):
    instance_embed = torch.relu(self.embedding_instance(instance))
    X_embed = torch.relu(self.embedding_X(X))
    uncern_embed = torch.relu(self.embedding_uncern(uncern))
    concatenated =, X_embed, uncern_embed), dim=1)
    output = torch.relu(self.fc1(concatenated))
    output = self.fc2(output)

    return output

model =Model()
The function I am trying to write should return the child-parent (key-value) relation as follows.

{ input_layers => [“instance”, “X”, “Uncern”],
hidden_layers =>{“embedding_inst” => [“instance”],
“enbedding_X” => [“X”],
“embedding_Uncern” => [“Uncern”],
“fc1” => [“embedding_inst”, “embedding_X”, “embedding_Uncern”]},
output_layers => {“fc2” => [“fc1”])}

I am trying to use the model.fc1.named_children() method, but it returns a empty list. I was hoping to get the layer name “fc2” as an output so that I could write a function that produced the desired dict. Is there a way I could do it?