Problem with maxium likelihood implementation in PyTorch

Recently I am learning to use PyTorch to solve a maximum likelihood problem as described below, and I got a problem with the updates of the parameters.

  1. Data Description
    The data comes from the functionsample_data. It contains 10000 observed value of a random variable, each value denotes the interval it lies.
import numpy as np 

def sample_data():
    count = 10000
    rand = np.random.RandomState(0)
    a = 0.3 + 0.1 * rand.randn(count)
    b = 0.8 + 0.05 * rand.randn(count)
    mask = rand.rand(count) < 0.5
    samples = np.clip(a * mask + b * (1 - mask), 0.0, 1.0)
    return np.digitize(samples, np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100))
  1. Problem Description
    for these observed data, I used the maximum likelihood method with the softmax function to fit the distribution of each interval from 0 - 100.

Here x_i is an One-hot encoding vector of the same size with θ, and my reasoning processing for the maximum likelihood is in the below pic.

  1. Problem with PyTorch implementation

Here is my implementation for this problem

import torch 
import torch.nn as nn 
from collections import Counter

def sum_x(x):
    dict_item = Counter(x)
    keys_item = dict_item.keys()
    input_of_x = np.zeros((100, 1))
    for key in keys_item:
        input_of_x[key, 0] = dict_item[key]
    return input_of_x

def loss_function(theta, x_fre):
    x = torch.from_numpy(x_fre).float()
    loss = -1/8000 *, x) + torch.log(, x))
    return loss

X = sample_data()
X_train, X_test = X[:8000], X[8000:]
x_fre = sum_x(X_train)
loss_list = []
theta = torch.zeros((1, 100), requires_grad = True).float()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([theta], lr=0.001)

for index in range(1000):
    loss = loss_function(theta, x_fre)

plt.plot(range(len(loss_list)), loss_list)

and the result is show as below

but the prob distribution should have the shape like mixed of two gaussian for


It makes me confusing for days. Is anywhere I made a mistake?

Thanks for anyone who can help me with this.

Hi Anthony, do you solve this problem? I have similar problen and as I think that weights didnt updated

I think that, unfortunately, the program as described has both mathematical and PyTorch errors to make it quite a riddle what is meant.

  • The derivation of the second term of the loss function is not broken. As a result, I would expect to see logsumexp(theta + x, -1) for some appropriately shaped matrix in the loss function.
  • You would want to clamp the reference probabilities away from 0 to avoid -inf negative log likelihood.
  • theta = torch.zeros((1, 100), requires_grad = True).float() makes theta a non-leaf, which is broken. You really, absolutely need to avoid calling any function between constructor and assignment, so here (if it were not the default) one could use use dtype=torch.float in the constructor.
  • There are several other oddities / don't dos. e.g. you should only collect loss.item(), the order of optimizer steps is OK, but the usual way is zero_grad, backward, step etc.

In summary, I would recommend to re-do the derivation unless Anthony has an update that makes the intention and code clearer.

Best regards
