Problems compiling with Libtorch v2.0.1 and Visual Studio 2015 (platform toolset v140)


Background: I am working on a big-legacy code that runs on the VS 2015 (toolset v140), but not above. I want to merge this legacy code with the libtorch v2.0.1

Problem: I had no problem of compiling libtorch v2.0.1 on VS 2022 version. However, when I try to compile libtorch v2.0.1 on VS 2015, errors regarding “constexpr” show up.

I found a previous topic discussion related to this issue, but the discussion ended without any helpful replies.

Following the previous post, I tried the minimal code below:


#include <torch/torch.h>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  torch::Tensor tensor = torch::rand({2, 3});
  std::cout << tensor << std::endl;

Warnings: (only the first one)

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Warning	C4814	'c10::reverse_iterator<_Iterator>::operator =': in C++14 'constexpr' will not imply 'const'; consider explicitly specifying 'const'	minimal_2015ver_libtorch	c:\users\user\downloads\common\libtorch-win-shared-with-deps-debug-2.0.1+cu118\libtorch\include\c10\util\reverse_iterator.h	88	

Errors: (selecting first few errors)

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	C3249	illegal statement or sub-expression for 'constexpr' function	minimal_2015ver_libtorch	c:\users\user\downloads\common\libtorch-win-shared-with-deps-debug-2.0.1+cu118\libtorch\include\c10\core\dispatchkey.h	533	
Error	C3249	illegal statement or sub-expression for 'constexpr' function	minimal_2015ver_libtorch	c:\users\user\downloads\common\libtorch-win-shared-with-deps-debug-2.0.1+cu118\libtorch\include\c10\core\dispatchkey.h	532	
Error	C3250	'count': declaration is not allowed in 'constexpr' function body	minimal_2015ver_libtorch	c:\users\user\downloads\common\libtorch-win-shared-with-deps-debug-2.0.1+cu118\libtorch\include\c10\core\dispatchkey.h	560
Error	C3249	illegal statement or sub-expression for 'constexpr' function	minimal_2015ver_libtorch	c:\users\user\downloads\common\libtorch-win-shared-with-deps-debug-2.0.1+cu118\libtorch\include\c10\core\dispatchkey.h	560	

My environment:
Windows 11 Home
Compiler: VS 2022 version and VS 2015

I will appreciate any help, please.


I am writing this in case anyone faces the same problem as I.

I was able to use other c-binding deep learning library with the Visual Studio 2015 (platform toolset v140). The library is tensorflow. It works, although it has its own problems.