Problems installing pytroch3D!

Okay so a few things, I am trying to work on this program which utilizes torch, cuda, and pytorch3d.

But no matter it seems what versions I download of Cuda toolkit and pytorch I can’t seem to install pytorch3d. Below I will show screenshots of current versions (CUDA 11.6, Python 3.10, Torch 1.13) of what I have running and the errors I am getting, but I am quite time sensitive to get this code running and I can’t seem to get the proper dependency running.

I have been using a few methods, trying to just run pip install pytorch or conda.

Also, I have tried cloning the repo and running the local install.

I am not familiar with conda environments or anaconda, not sure if that’s the approach but it’s just frustrating I can’t get this installed to continue. So any help is very much appreciated!!!

The pip and conda install commands fail, as binaries are not available for Windows as explained here in their
The last error is raised as it seems this file is missing in your seutp.