Putting part of training loop in another function changes results

I have a problem which I am absolutely baffled by and actually took almost all day to even pinpoint. I have a training loop as follows:

def train(model, params, train_dataset, epoch, optimizer, criterion):
    clip = params.get('clip', 10)
    log_interval = params.get('log_interval', 10)
    batch_size = params.get('batch_size', 64)
    sequence_length = params.get('bptt', 50)

    with torch.enable_grad():
        total_loss = 0
        start_time = time.time()
        hidden_teacher = model.init_hidden(batch_size)

        for batch, i in enumerate(range(0, train_dataset.size(0) - 1, sequence_length)):
            input_seq, target_seq = get_batch(sequence_length, train_dataset, i)
            hidden_teacher = model.repackage_hidden(hidden_teacher)
            hidden_freeflow = model.repackage_hidden(hidden_teacher)
            loss = compute_loss(model, input_seq, target_seq, batch_size, hidden_freeflow, hidden_teacher, criterion)

            total_loss += loss.item()

The compute_loss function is defined as:

def compute_loss(model, input_seq, target_seq, batch_size, hidden_freeflow, hidden_teacher, criterion):
    decoded = input_seq[0].unsqueeze(0)
    decs = []
    hids = []

    # free flow loss
    for _ in range(input_seq.size(0)):
        decoded, hidden_freeflow, output = model.forward(decoded, hidden_freeflow)

    out_seq1 = torch.cat(decs, dim=0)
    hids = torch.cat(hids, dim=0)
    loss1 = criterion(out_seq1.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1), target_seq.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1))

    # Teacher forcing loss
    out_seq2, hidden_teacher, output_2 = model.forward(input_seq, hidden_teacher)
    loss2 = criterion(out_seq2.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1), target_seq.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1))

    # Modified/weird professor loss
    loss3 = criterion(hids.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1), output_2.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1).detach())

    loss = loss1 + loss2 + loss3
    return loss

Now, the puzzling thing is that if I instead copy the compute_loss function and inline paste it in the main training loop, the results are different. It is not due to any random seed or anything like that. The difference really is due to this. I wonder if some state change happens due to this function call and if someone can shed light on this!

The difference is small. So here are the losses when the function is used:

1.018952488899231 1.0198941230773926 4.705279570771381e-05
0.9998740553855896 0.997614860534668 4.655172597267665e-05
0.9933467507362366 0.9878082275390625 4.792845720658079e-05

and without:

1.018952488899231 1.0198941230773926 4.705279570771381e-05
0.9998368620872498 0.997587263584137 4.6545839722966775e-05
0.9931793212890625 0.9876329302787781 4.7916713810991496e-05

Interestingly, the first call is always ok and the results agree but then diverge. Again, only difference is that the compute_loss function is now inlined.


When you copy-paste it, do your do all the additions in the exact same order?
Floating point numbers are not associative. So if you change orders, it will change the result by a very very small amount. But gradient descent step are going to increase that amount and after a few steps it’s going to be visible.

It should not be a problem for your model convergence though.

It really is the same order. For completeness, here is the inlined code:

def train(model, params, train_dataset, epoch, optimizer, criterion):
    clip = params.get('clip', 10)
    log_interval = params.get('log_interval', 10)
    batch_size = params.get('batch_size', 64)
    sequence_length = params.get('bptt', 50)

    with torch.enable_grad():
        total_loss = 0
        start_time = time.time()
        hidden_teacher = model.init_hidden(batch_size)

        for batch, i in enumerate(range(0, train_dataset.size(0) - 1, sequence_length)):
            input_seq, target_seq = get_batch(sequence_length, train_dataset, i)
            hidden_teacher = model.repackage_hidden(hidden_teacher)
            hidden_freeflow = model.repackage_hidden(hidden_teacher)

            decoded = input_seq[0].unsqueeze(0)
            decs = []
            hids = []

            # free flow loss
            for _ in range(input_seq.size(0)):
                decoded, hidden_freeflow, output = model.forward(decoded, hidden_freeflow)

            out_seq1 = torch.cat(decs, dim=0)
            hids = torch.cat(hids, dim=0)
            loss1 = criterion(out_seq1.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1), target_seq.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1))

            # Teacher forcing loss
            out_seq2, hidden_teacher, output_2 = model.forward(input_seq, hidden_teacher)
            loss2 = criterion(out_seq2.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1), target_seq.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1))

            # Modified/weird professor loss
            loss3 = criterion(hids.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1), output_2.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1).detach())

            loss = loss1 + loss2 + loss3

            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), clip)

            total_loss += loss.item()

And this is the only thing that is different. I am baffled.