Pytorch and torchvision for CUDA10.2

I have a Jetson nano B01 and JetPack 4.6.6 on it. Are there versions of Pytorch and torchvision that support CUDA 10.2 compatible with JetPack 4.6.6 to use Yolov5ni on Jetson nanoB01?

You can find PyTorch binaries for JetPack 4 here.

Thank you.But I can’t find Pytorch and Torchvision libraries that support CUDA 10.2 in JetPack 4.6.5 on Jetson nano B01. I updated Python version to 3.8. But there is Ultralytics library for Python 3.8 but Pytorch and Torchvision library for Python 3.8 does not support CUDA10.2.

The link I shared shows PyTorch releases supporting the Jetson platform for JetPack 4. If you need a PyTorch or Yolo version built for another Python version, you might need to build them from source.

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