Pytorch android lite: inputs and outputs of model in kotlin and python are not the same

I have a problem that a lot of people have also experienced.
I trained a model/classifier loading and image from .jpg file using this code:

def __init__(self, ...):
self.transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((W, H)), transforms.ToTensor()])

 def __getitem__(self, idx):
   # image = read_image(self.image_files[idx][1])
   image = self.transform([idx][1]))
   return {"image": image, "label": np.array(self.image_files[idx][0]), "path": self.image_files[idx][1]}
# prepare tensor for model forwarding
X = sample_batched["image"].float().to(self.device)
out = model(out)

def torch_to_mobile():
  dataset = FoodDataset(BASE_DIR)

  model = FoodClassifier(len(dataset.classes))
  model = load_model(MODEL_PATH, model)

  example = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
  traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, example)
  traced_script_module_optimized = optimize_for_mobile(traced_script_module)

  out_path = MODEL_PATH.split(".")[0] + ".ptl"
  print("Model saved at:", out_path)

and deployed a small test on android studio.

 implementation 'org.pytorch:pytorch_android_lite:1.13.1'
 implementation 'org.pytorch:pytorch_android_torchvision_lite:1.13.1'


// torchscript
            val module = LiteModuleLoader.load(assetFilePath(this, "FoodClassifier.ptl"))
//            val module = Module.load(assetFilePath(this, ""))
            var foodDetector = FoodDetector()
            var imageStream ="model/pizza.jpg")    // TODO: replace with imagePath
            var model_out = foodDetector.detect(imageStream, module)


fun preprocessImage(inputStream: InputStream): Tensor {
        //Decode the input stream into a bitmap
        val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream)

        // Resize the image
        val resizedBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, true)
        val inputTensor = TensorImageUtils.bitmapToFloat32Tensor(resizedBitmap,

        return inputTensor

    fun argmax(array: FloatArray): Int {
        var maxIndex = 0
        var maxValue = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY

        for (i in array.indices) {
            if (array[i] > maxValue) {
                maxValue = array[i]
                maxIndex = i
        return maxIndex

    fun topK(a: FloatArray, topk: Int): IntArray {
        val values = FloatArray(topk)
        Arrays.fill(values, -java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE)
        val ixs = IntArray(topk)
        Arrays.fill(ixs, -1)

        for (i in a.indices) {
            for (j in 0 until topk) {
                if (a[i] > values[j]) {
                    for (k in topk - 1 downTo j + 1) {
                        values[k] = values[k - 1]
                        ixs[k] = ixs[k - 1]
                    values[j] = a[i]
                    ixs[j] = i
        return ixs

    fun detect(inputStream: InputStream, module: Module): FloatArray{
        val inputTensor = preprocessImage(inputStream)
        val outputTensor = module.forward(IValue.from(inputTensor)).toTensor()
        val outputArray = outputTensor.dataAsFloatArray
        Log.e("Output Class", argmax(outputArray).toString())
        Log.e("Output Class", topK(outputArray, 5).contentToString())
        // TODO: use class names and return top 3 names
        return outputArray

The input and output values of the pytorch inference code are:

input image:

torch.Size([3, 224, 224]) 17 ./data/18/1702.jpg
tensor([[[0.7922, 0.8039, 0.8039,  ..., 0.4392, 0.5412, 0.5020],
         [0.8078, 0.8118, 0.8157,  ..., 0.4667, 0.5098, 0.5059],
         [0.8157, 0.8157, 0.8235,  ..., 0.4902, 0.5176, 0.4941],
         [0.9569, 0.9569, 0.9529,  ..., 0.8824, 0.8745, 0.8706],
         [0.9569, 0.9569, 0.9529,  ..., 0.8745, 0.8706, 0.8667],
         [0.9529, 0.9490, 0.9490,  ..., 0.8627, 0.8588, 0.8549]],

        [[0.7843, 0.7961, 0.7961,  ..., 0.4431, 0.5373, 0.4863],
         [0.8000, 0.8039, 0.8078,  ..., 0.4667, 0.5098, 0.4941],
         [0.8078, 0.8078, 0.8157,  ..., 0.4706, 0.5059, 0.4745],
         [0.9569, 0.9569, 0.9529,  ..., 0.8824, 0.8784, 0.8745],
         [0.9529, 0.9529, 0.9490,  ..., 0.8784, 0.8745, 0.8706],
         [0.9490, 0.9451, 0.9451,  ..., 0.8784, 0.8745, 0.8706]],

        [[0.7961, 0.8078, 0.8078,  ..., 0.3961, 0.5255, 0.4667],
         [0.8118, 0.8157, 0.8196,  ..., 0.3961, 0.4510, 0.4549],
         [0.8196, 0.8196, 0.8275,  ..., 0.4667, 0.4627, 0.4549],
         [0.9569, 0.9490, 0.9451,  ..., 0.9020, 0.8941, 0.8863],
         [0.9451, 0.9451, 0.9373,  ..., 0.8902, 0.8824, 0.8784],
         [0.9373, 0.9333, 0.9294,  ..., 0.8863, 0.8745, 0.8667]]])

output tensor:

tensor([[ -6.4250,  -5.6502,  -9.1750,  -6.7315,  -6.1992,  -4.3728,  -7.5658,
          -9.0300,  -5.0554,  -8.4527,  -8.4998,  -6.2553,  -4.4357, -10.0883,
          -5.4501,  -4.1953,  -4.1803,   1.5447,  -5.4573,  -8.1641,  -8.8581,
          -3.8452,  -5.7401,  -6.1678,  -8.2289,  -5.5331,  -5.4196,  -4.3286,
          -8.2148,  -7.4791,  -7.9286,  -7.2004,  -6.6325,  -6.5702,  -7.2533,
          -5.0552,  -7.9561,  -7.6686,  -9.8013,  -4.1677,  -8.1728,  -7.2377,
          -8.6816,  -9.3092,  -6.0697,  -5.9184,  -6.5978,  -6.0070,  -7.9605,
          -8.2251, -10.0780,  -9.1477,  -7.7357,  -6.9407,  -9.6364,  -7.6766,
          -8.1835,  -8.6580,  -9.2632,  -7.4976,  -8.6892,  -7.7322,  -8.5101,
          -2.8730,  -7.6723, -10.3767,  -6.1771,  -6.8715,  -6.4986,  -6.5030,
          -9.9414,  -8.1596,  -9.3136,  -9.7785,  -9.1811,  -5.0005,  -6.1989,
          -7.3114,  -5.0766,  -3.7111,  -8.5137,  -4.7980,  -9.5621,  -5.0810,
          -7.7581,  -9.5593,  -5.4868,  -8.5949,  -6.6317,  -8.1714,  -6.6684,
          -8.0697,  -9.6710,  -6.6122,  -3.2688,  -6.6061,  -6.7667,  -8.8379,
          -6.9095,  -9.3807,  -7.8291,  -9.1676,  -7.9217,  -7.5481,  -6.5465,
          -7.8089,  -7.8403,  -9.2809,  -4.9770,  -3.7320,  -3.9532,  -9.1324,
          -8.4911,  -5.0800,  -9.1694,  -7.4032,  -8.2069,  -3.2996,  -5.1245,
          -3.7846,  -9.7733,  -8.3546,  -5.6607,  -8.4584,  -9.5602,  -6.6742,
          -5.9762,  -5.0890, -10.2585,  -9.5369,  -8.8205, -10.1797,  -7.0062,
          -7.3069,  -8.5791,  -9.0843,  -7.4706,  -8.1020,  -7.8693,  -6.7647,
          -6.9144,  -9.1066,  -7.0260,  -8.1277,  -5.7195,  -5.1588,  -2.2246,
          -7.1596,  -4.9242,  -6.5084,  -6.9575,  -5.9987,  -4.5282,  -7.2608,
          -3.6212, -10.4534,  -8.7601,  -6.4402,  -7.1080,  -6.2117,  -7.6964,
          -3.3375,  -6.1063,  -7.0410,  -8.1057, -10.1912,  -8.3852,  -7.2990,
          -9.3008, -11.2928,  -5.9536,  -8.6684,  -6.2913,  -7.2556, -10.7067,
         -12.5549,  -6.6373,  -6.4069,  -9.3014, -10.7260,  -4.8521,  -8.0948,
          -4.0307,  -7.4884,  -5.5963,  -7.6681,  -8.5791, -10.4596,  -8.1598,
          -5.5236,  -4.5662,  -7.4979,  -9.3129,  -8.0146,  -9.4046,  -4.0687,
          -8.6144,  -7.0490,  -6.4512,  -6.4222,  -6.7708,  -4.7155,  -4.3436,
          -6.9712,  -5.0127,  -6.2544,  -4.3396,  -3.6489,  -7.5470,  -8.7146,
          -6.7608,  -8.7649,  -2.1415,  -8.3589, -10.9746,  -6.6287, -10.1222,
         -10.3195,  -7.5870,  -7.4546,  -7.7881,  -8.1478, -11.1285,  -8.2365,
         -11.6734,  -4.1729,  -3.8706,  -7.9013,  -7.5459,  -6.8718,  -8.3584,
          -4.5214,  -7.5231,  -3.4609,  -6.9615,  -5.7563,  -5.6318,  -6.6918,
          -9.4669,  -9.6109, -12.2082,  -3.7341,  -7.6879,  -8.2632,  -7.5099,
         -10.9171,  -9.8948,  -6.2009,  -7.2751,  -4.1637,  -8.0830,  -7.1027,
          -7.4779,  -7.9212,  -3.2335,  -5.6123]])
argmax = 17
Prediction:  pizza

while in kotlin I get this:

1.3241715, 1.3926706, 1.3926706, 1.42692, 1.4440448, 1.4611696, 1.4611696, 1.4611696, 1.4611696, 1.4611696, 1.4611696, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4440448, 1.4611696, 1.4440448, 1.4611696, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4954191, 1.5296686, 1.5125438, 1.5296686, 1.4782944, 1.4954191, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.5125438, 1.4954191, 1.4782944, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.5125438, 1.4954191, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4954191, 1.5296686, 1.5125438, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.4782944, 1.4611696, 1.4611696, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4954191, 1.5125438, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.4440448, 1.4954191, 1.5467933, 1.5296686, 1.4611696, 1.4954191, 1.5296686, 1.3412963, 0.5535577, 0.96455175, 1.1700488, 1.3755459, 1.2556726, 1.1529241, 1.0673003, 0.878928, 0.34806067, -0.49105233, -1.3301654, -1.5870366, -1.5699118, -1.5185376, -1.4671633, -1.4329139, -1.4842881, -1.4500387, -1.4671633, -1.1760426, -1.3644148, -1.3815396, -1.3472902, -1.4157891, -1.4671633, -0.95342064, -1.6212862, -1.6555357, -1.6726604, -1.6212862, -1.5699118, -1.6041614, -1.6555357, -1.5699118, -1.4500387, -1.2787911, -1.0219197, -0.9705454, -0.79929787, -0.91917115, -0.9876702, -1.1075436, -1.141793, -1.4329139, -1.4671633, -1.6041614, -1.5870366, -1.6041614, -1.6384109, -1.5699118, -1.5870366, -1.5356624, -0.8335474, -0.7136741, 0.15968838, 0.4850587, 0.5364329, 0.5193082, 0.1939379, -0.95342064, -1.6041614, -1.6555357, -1.6555357, -1.5870366, -1.4500387, -0.7307989, -1.5014129, -1.5356624, -1.4500387, -1.6041614, -1.4500387, -0.9705454, -0.57667613, -1.2274169, -0.8506721, 0.5364329, 1.2727973, 1.5981677, 1.5639181, 1.5981677, 1.5981677, 1.6152923, 1.5981677, 1.5467933, 1.5810429, 1.6152923, 1.6324171, 1.6324171, 1.6324171, 1.6324171, 1.6152923, 1.5981677, 1.5981677, 1.6324171, 1.6495419, 1.6495419, 1.6324171, 1.5810429, 1.5467933, 1.5810429, 1.5639181, 1.5639181, 1.5467933, 1.5467933, 1.5639181, 1.5296686, 1.4954191, 1.4782944, 1.4954191, 1.5125438, 1.42692, 0.60493195, 1.2727973, 0.15968838, 0.34806067, -0.2855553, -0.11430778, 0.2966864, 0.022690238, 0.57068247, 0.79330426, 0.46793392, 0.108314134, 0.2966864, 0.6220567, 0.43368444, -0.2855553, 0.45080918, 0.79330426, 0.46793392, -0.011559267, 0.1939379, 0.6220567, 0.5878072, 0.2281874, 0.022690238, 0.45080918, 0.57068247, 0.57068247, 0.12543888, -0.02868402, 0.056939743, -0.33692956, -0.45680285, -0.35405433, -0.69654936, -0.7479236, -0.67942464, -0.6451751, -0.30268008, 0.34806067, 0.07406463, -0.16568205, -0.2170563, -0.43967807, -0.37117907, 0.3651854, -0.06293353, 1.3926706, 1.42692, 1.42692, 1.4611696, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.5296686, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.5125438, 1.4954191, 1.5125438, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.5467933, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.4782944, 1.4782944, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.5125438, 1.5467933, 1.5467933, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.5125438, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.5296686, 1.4954191, 1.4954191, 1.5125438, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.5467933, 1.5467933, 1.5639181, 1.5296686, 1.5296686, 1.5125438, 1.5296686, 1.5467933, 1.5296686, 1.4611696, 0.17681314, 0.79330426, 1.1186745, 1.2556726, 1.4954191, 0.79330426, 0.45080918, -0.11430778, -0.9020464, -1.2787911, -1.3815396, -1.5185376, -1.6041614, -1.6212862, -1.5699118, -1.5014129, -1.4842881, -1.5185376, -1.5870366, -1.4671633, -1.2102921, -1.4329139, -0.31980482, 1.0844251, 0.07406463, -1.0390445, -1.3644148, -1.5014129, -1.5870366, -1.6555357, -1.6041614, -1.6897851, -1.7411594, -1.6384109, -1.6212862, -1.7069099, -1.8096584, -1.8267832, -1.5870366, -1.7754089, -1.6555357, -1.5870366, -1.3130406, -0.14855729, 0.07406463, 0.27956167, 0.45080918, 0.108314134, -0.26843056, -0.5424266, -1.2102921, -1.4329139, -0.78217316, 1.1186745, 1.3584211, 1.2899221, 1.4097953, 1.3926706, 1.3070468, 1.4097953, -0.43967807, -1.6212862, -1.6212862, -1.6726

[-30571.434, -68474.21, -58631.973, -58655.77, -42851.656, -49321.5, -74000.78, -45550.594, -42487.66, -47610.95, -47112.367, -50195.094, -80131.12, -71236.83, -62103.164, -57046.42, -38206.94, -53553.215, -59162.234, -33317.25, -47081.96, -56312.715, -52878.688, -58229.375, -61969.867, -48885.074, -48899.348, -48952.797, -65049.375, -58910.6, -48149.86, -48899.508, -61258.137, -58512.56, -45999.316, -27279.934, -67456.63, -43162.492, -54333.75, -52835.52, -52082.17, -48469.625, -74907.0, -70001.73, -48904.617, -59542.113, -70019.83, -62489.633, -63455.734, -50524.953, -63811.457, -63315.016, -51634.258, -58028.297, -47732.03, -49585.586, -61240.906, -72493.79, -54116.28, -36536.13, -56610.09, -84276.18, -48778.145, -62885.145, -68803.664, -68755.25, -49887.8, -38417.86, -54181.51, -43047.52, -63574.594, -56797.684, -64269.664, -58621.4, -65094.836, -43314.88, -50006.777, -73834.35, -64065.855, -41414.45, -57358.688, -56874.336, -62199.562, -52377.223, -68186.0, -47789.2, -30251.148, -45542.31, -64639.17, -50332.48, -47525.805, -32910.914, -59852.234, -54682.273, -66385.18, -57978.34, -70564.95, -40002.62, -47921.38, -51943.06, -60722.63, -58308.273, -64530.25, -67543.266, -67889.17, -56492.355, -62865.33, -46185.566, -45770.844, -70346.53, -57840.74, -75518.64, -57075.11, -63876.586, -65690.56, -55782.9, -58676.832, -58708.035, -68588.14, -64086.01, -60896.445, -63098.8, -60064.04, -52715.16, -66535.88, -61510.812, -47626.742, -73888.375, -58530.805, -70084.61, -61040.992, -76335.8, -72583.86, -69310.805, -75871.484, -52367.4, -70609.01, -58147.6, -64791.324, -56125.38, -58661.89, -53612.29, -44112.125, -71925.445, -64066.24, -41409.543, -58928.977, -54544.273, -58300.254, -42870.027, -51363.875, -69842.9, -54098.38, -50656.51, -59357.914, -85024.78, -79363.766, -48345.496, -72155.81, -53595.113, -63647.656, -58873.555, -58428.95, -69631.47, -72781.26, -88182.734, -62204.895, -54846.152, -51062.11, -58996.75, -66660.805, -65060.32, -71382.54, -42450.395, -66750.2, -88973.8, -72162.55, -39830.406, -64316.156, -51310.184, -68144.24, -59078.906, -79519.65, -47931.77, -52535.75, -68417.2, -64661.246, -65523.582, -68096.01, -48051.195, -55878.38, -60802.79, -56804.562, -54431.117, -67300.89, -56095.617, -63731.19, -65780.5, -53809.26, -53394.867, -70708.01, -53738.406, -49251.164, -49791.53, -63830.4, -68972.695, -69670.914, -67653.63, -60360.406, -64695.46, -51332.703, -66104.2, -58346.285, -83154.0, -84073.09, -46853.6, -63334.457, -63052.02, -60205.98, -74087.55, -70496.31, -69451.69, -61029.27, -59428.562, -70393.96, -57312.105, -43012.18, -59892.53, -56409.316, -61937.855, -74559.3, -70559.36, -44311.426, -58755.56, -47393.746, -52536.26, -43792.344, -51401.67, -66035.95, -70937.68, -63233.793, -55476.37, -52954.754, -83635.3, -70090.95, -72397.42, -63570.58, -66000.67, -73642.28, -49205.938, -57886.99, -69780.07, -65842.164, -79370.42, -55849.273, -69387.66]

argmax: 35