Pytorch compatibile with NVIDIA-SMI 535.104.05 Driver Version: 535.104.05 CUDA Version: 12.2


Sorry for unclearity in my question ( I’m still a novice with torch…), I’ll try to explain now better :

The error appears only when I run the training in the previous mentioned code ( the necessary libraries were all correctly loaded). Here the full msn :

“Could not load library Error: /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZN5cudnn3cnn34layerNormFwd_execute_internal_implERKNS_7backend11VariantPackEP11CUstream_stRNS0_18LayerNormFwdParamsERKNS1_20NormForwardOperationEmb, version”

In particular, I dont’ understand about this error in particular ( maybe it come from the code?)
" undefined symbol: _ZN5cudnn3cnn34layerNormFwd_execute_internal_implERKNS_7backend11VariantPackEP11CUstream_stRNS0_18LayerNormFwdParamsERKNS1_20NormForwardOperationEmb"