Trying to install PyTorch with the given command from the homepage with Stable, Windows, Pip, Python and Cuda 11.3.
The command I get is pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu113 torchvision==0.11.1+cu113 torchaudio===0.10.0+cu113 -f
I get the error
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.10.0+cu113 (from versions: 0.1.2, 0.1.2.post1, 0.1.2.post2)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch==1.10.0+cu113
I have Python 3.10.0 installed, in 64 bit (same as my system) with Pip installed with it.
I have CUDA 11.5 installed from NVIDIA’s site.
I have looked multiple places and found no solution, please help.
PyTorch 1.10 should support CUDA 11.5 in source builds. While the binaries are built with 10.2 and 11.3, the nightlies are also built with 11.5.
The local CUDA toolkit won’t be used unless you are building PyTorch from source or a custom CUDA extension, so @sohani wouldn’t need to downgrade the local CUDA toolkit unless one of the previous use cases is used.