PyTorch Research Study

I am looking for participants for a research study on PyTorch usage. The study is a one-hour interview and you are compensated for your time. We are looking for active PyTorch users (no student projects) that use AWS and PyTorch. Let me know if you are interested.



Hope you are doing well.

I would like to assist you.

Please reach me via Skype/Email.
Skype - nicole_15269

Email -

Nicole A

Hello Nicole,

Thank you for reaching out! (I just sent you an email as well.)

To give you a little more insight, Evans Data Corporation is are a market research firm. We are putting together a research study to better understand the usage, adoption patterns, likes/dislikes, etc. of those that use PyTorch.

The first step is to set up a 5-minute screening via Google Meet with me. After that, you will move on to the 1-on-1 interview. Again, that interview is one hour. Compensation is $250.

I emailed you this info along with a link to my calendar to book the screening interview.

Hope to talk soon! Have a nice weekend.



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We’re still looking for participants for this study. This hour-long interview looks at such topics and dislikes, how you use PyTorch and challenges you have with using PyTorch and deploying PyTorch workloads.


Hello, I hope I’m not too late to help you

I will be glad to support you in some way

My email:

Good Luck!
Daniel D.